I am a bit worried about my blood test...

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Dear Excelmale friends,

I went to an urologist about three months ago because the results of my testosterone levels were low. My global testosterone was 2.54 (or 254 if we use another measure) and my free testosterone was 14.8. the doctor prescribed me a testosterone gel. I have been using it for three months. My testosterone level now is 439 or 4.39 for the global testosterone and 22.2 for the free testosterone.

My hematocrit has increase from about 44 per cent three months ago to 49.9 per cent in my last blood test. My prostatic level is about 1.6. This doesn't worry me at all but my hematocrit level begins to preoccupy me in a certain way. Is it something I should worry seriously about?

I have to go to the doctor again on Thursday, October 6th. I am going well with the treatment and I have a better sex drive, mind and less depression. Perhaps he is going to tell me I should suppress or cut my treatment and I wouldn't like to be as I was three months ago. Can I get worse If I go on with the treatment? Should I eliminate B12 vitamin while I am using the treatment?

If you are so kind to reply to me I will be most grateful.

Best. wishes,

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
This doesn't worry me at all but my hematocrit level begins to preoccupy me in a certain way. Is it something I should worry seriously about?
My endo and doctors more up to date focus on the hemoglobin, not the hematocrit. If you hemoglobin is normal, then I wouldn't worry too much about hematocrit.

My testosterone level now is 439 or 4.39 for the global testosterone and 22.2 for the free testosterone.
A bit underwhelming Total T value, I would increase the dosage as these aren't in the healthy ranges.

Without reference ranges for the Free T, it's a bit hard to critic them.

The Total T is subpar and therefore you may not get the full benefits of TRT.

Can I get worse If I go on with the treatment?
You'll get worse if you go without treatment and your chance of dying and all cause mortality goes ^^.

Perhaps he is going to tell me I should suppress or cut my treatment and I wouldn't like to be as I was three months ago.
I see this a lot in members who have low-T, negative thoughts and their inner voice is all doom and gloom. When you get your levels higher, your mood will be elevated and this negativity, doom and gloom should disappear.

Should I eliminate B12 vitamin while I am using the treatment?
If you levels were low, then no.
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