Trying to jack my IGF-1 (for benefits in the gym and overall) with MK-677, then I read this.
It concerns me, but then I remember Dr Saya telling me during a consult that my IGF is in range (115, Ref 78-222) but could be higher, however this article states: "Researchers found that men in this study who had IGF-I levels above 100 ng/ml had almost twice the risk of cancer death in the following 18 years than men with lower levels."
It concerns me, but then I remember Dr Saya telling me during a consult that my IGF is in range (115, Ref 78-222) but could be higher, however this article states: "Researchers found that men in this study who had IGF-I levels above 100 ng/ml had almost twice the risk of cancer death in the following 18 years than men with lower levels."