Help, feeling emotional

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So for the past 3weeks I've been trying to deal with my high levels of estradiol. I was prescribed arimidex .25mg 3times a week but after reading posts here I decided to cut down to twice a week just incase. Last time I took my last dose was 3 days ago. And next dose is about to be due

Last night, today and especially tonight i feel emotional spurts ie while watching first 48 on a&e. Like i feel like I wanna cry when something sad happens like when a family member is notified their family member was killed.. but also a feel of wanting to happy cry when they catch the killer lol this a side effect from maybe my estrogen being high, or is it from the meds it's self or is it from maybe my estrogen being very low? FYI no issues with erections(never have had iny life, even when I would be on SSRIs ) and I'm 35
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fmaliamos, I've never use an estrogen blocker but I believe it takes time before it starts working.
Anstrozole works VERY quickly. As Gene noted in an earlier post, it peaks within 50 hours and has a 100 hour half-life. E2 levels can be tanked rapidly. The only reliable way to know if it's an E2 issue is to test.
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My e was at 50 so not really high but my emotions were intense. I started taking Arimidex. I did notice a reduction in my emotions. It got better over time. I am currently on .50mg once a week and I am considering stopping. One thing I am learning with TRT. Things over time are balancing out. I have been on TRT for 1 1/2 years. A lot guys don't seem to be affected by the intense emotional waves but wow I was. I have an idea what's going on. My whole life I was incredibly good at blocking emotions. Many thought I was a little cold. It's not like I didn't have feeling but I held them back. But TRT broke that barrier down big time. So ya I think the AI helped me through the worst of it but the issue here is getting used to the emotions. I'm trying not to build up that wall again but just to accept the emotions and get used to them. It's slowly getting better.
fmaliamos, I've never use an estrogen blocker but I believe it takes time before it starts working.

I appreciate all of you guys input. but im needing to know if im feeling emotional because i tanked my ESTROGEN levels or if its the opposite and actually do need to up my meds. im trying to figure out my body vs the meds. thanks
I appreciate all of you guys input. but im needing to know if im feeling emotional because i tanked my ESTROGEN levels or if its the opposite and actually do need to up my meds. im trying to figure out my body vs the meds. thanks

As has been noted here before, AIs are rapid in effect. It's unlikely you're E2 level is rising after regularly taking them. I suggest self-test through I use them and it's a good way to sync objective results with your body's subjective feelings.
As has been noted here before, AIs are rapid in effect. It's unlikely you're E2 level is rising after regularly taking them. I suggest self-test through I use them and it's a good way to sync objective results with your body's subjective feelings.

at this time i am unable to go get lab work done due to work. obviously i will need to do a follow up soon. i am just curious as to if the emotional feelings is due to high estrogens or very low or either. and unfortunately from what i have ready here even lab work is not reliable as it can be different if its done on different days from when the medication is taken. its not as simple as how diabetics get to read their number through out the day every day.
What I feel when low is hollow, unemotional, just bland....high E2 brings the emotional response, in some men. I don't get that much, my first symptom seems to be night sweats. Also, Anastrozole works within an hour and has a 50 hour half-life (not 100hr as said above).
What I would do is go back to .25mg 3x a week or every 48hrs. You want to keep everything stable, whatever other meds you're on, stay stable, small changes of one thing at a time. You're listening to your body and that's good.
What I feel when low is hollow, unemotional, just bland....high E2 brings the emotional response, in some men. I don't get that much, my first symptom seems to be night sweats. Also, Anastrozole works within an hour and has a 50 hour half-life (not 100hr as said above).
What I would do is go back to .25mg 3x a week or every 48hrs. You want to keep everything stable, whatever other meds you're on, stay stable, small changes of one thing at a time. You're listening to your body and that's good.

Thanks Vince! Appreciate your input. Yeah I noticed how my body seems to be asking for the anastrozole. I say this cus I was at .25mg for the first 3weeks (as prescribed by my doc) and last week was the first time I reduced to the twice a week (every 3-4 days) so this week I noticed at day 3 From my last dose I was feeling emotional and almost like my body was telling me to take the next dose.. like I feel a lot better the day of and the day after I take anastrozole. I also feel less bloaty. I WISH WE COULD CHECK OUT E2 AT HOME SO WE COULD MANAGE IT BETTER kinda like diabetics do with their glucose levels :/
Thanks Vince! Appreciate your input. Yeah I noticed how my body seems to be asking for the anastrozole. I say this cus I was at .25mg for the first 3weeks (as prescribed by my doc) and last week was the first time I reduced to the twice a week (every 3-4 days) so this week I noticed at day 3 From my last dose I was feeling emotional and almost like my body was telling me to take the next dose.. like I feel a lot better the day of and the day after I take anastrozole. I also feel less bloaty. I WISH WE COULD CHECK OUT E2 AT HOME SO WE COULD MANAGE IT BETTER kinda like diabetics do with their glucose levels :/

No one here can give you accurate advice regarding dosage without looking at levels first. I would be very wary to adjust dosages with the limited information you have.

I am very sensitive to Arimidex and only take 12.5mg a week. 12.5mg twice a week tanks me.
Also remember that there is a BIG difference between say LABCORP standard E-2 test (00415 as I recall) and LABCORP sensitive test (140244). You want the SENSITIVE E-2 test. If your DR is medicating you on the standard E-2 test you could be taking waaaaaaaaaaay to much AI.... I am also very sensitive to Arimidex. My last test was at 0.035mg E4D for a month. I am going to go E3D starting on 31 May and do a re-check with both test after 30 days.. You should know where your E-2 was BEFORE taking an AI.
I appreciate all of you guys input. but im needing to know if im feeling emotional because i tanked my ESTROGEN levels or if its the opposite and actually do need to up my meds. im trying to figure out my body vs the meds. thanks

No one knows for sure without corresponding labs. I understand you are unable to get them right now, but until you do (and ONLY sensitive E2), you are basically guessing. Do you have any labs from before you started the AI we could look at to get a baseline? What protocol are you on? Dosage?

For me, low E2 caused by too much Arimidex manifests with extreme fatigue, irritability, complete impotence, hot flashes and shuttering at the mere thought of sex.

High E2 for me typically manifests with a bit of weight gain, bloating, loss of morning and nighttime erections, and mild depression (don't know what I'm doing in life, my job sucks, blah blah).

But these are just my experiences...for you, lab work first!
I am amazed that no one has asked what fmailanos' total and free testosterone, free T3 and free T 4 are. Is he going through some sort of loss of stress? How is his sleep quality?

This obsession on basing all that is "bad" on estradiol (a hormone actually produced by testosterone to enhance its effects) is causing such more suffering in men who become obsessed on that value.
This obsession on basing all that is "bad" on estradiol (a hormone actually produced by testosterone to enhance its effects) is causing such more suffering in men who become obsessed on that value.

Nelson, The tendency so many have to see estradiol as the source of all negative complications in respect to TRT is understandable. When we start traveling the TRT highway, all that is heard regarding estradiol is worrisome: "don't let it climb too high", "keep your E2 value between 20-30", "too high an estradiol value will sabotage your protocol". Estradiol is seen as a naturally occurring evil by many because there's plenty of support for such a belief. Not on this Forum, the view is far more nuanced, but in plenty of other places (including some men's clinics) that's not the case.
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The main thing wrong with estradiol is its name. We associate everything emotional and water retention inducing to hormones that sound female. It is the only estrogen that is derived from testosterone itself. Is it nature's way to halt the effect of T or is it an enhancer?. Why would nature create this hormone downstream of testosterone?

Several reports link low T and high E2 (present together) and even low DHT to gynecomastia. Testosterone-to-estradiol ratios under 10 seem to be problematic. We can increase the ratio by adding more T or blocking some E2. But we are also learning that blocking alpha or beta estradiol receptors may not be a good thing.

Like testosterone, it is great if estradiol is not too low or too high. However, no one has done a study in which they plot total or free testosterone versus maximum side effect inducing estradiol. I am trying to tabulate data now for our upcoming Google Hang out which will concentrate on estradiol.

Most data we have now on estradiol comes from studies in which men had low T.

Elevated Estradiol During TRT: To Treat or Not To Treat?
Update: I have been off Arimidex now for 3 months. I did have some water gain after a few weeks but that leveled off. My anxiety and emotions did increase but it didn't bother me as much since I have made some adjustment to them but definitely noticeable. I decided to try Pregnenolone and DHEA. It has dramatically reduced my anxiety. I am a lot calmer. Emotion wise I would say I am just as emotional but there is a difference. I have more control over my emotions. Noticeable side effects for me are dreams and BP drop. Now my BP is always a hair high when I lift and don't do any cardio so not a problem for me but it dropped for sure. Also I have noticed a definite increase in my ability to focus and recall memories. Yes I know what you are going to ask. Did I test prior, no I did not. One I know my endo won't and 2 it's not cheap. So I am be very careful and not taking that high of an amount. 50 mg DHEA twice a day and 50 Pregnenolone once in the morning. I agree with Nelson on not messing with your E unless it's really high. If you do get very anxious and you are very emotional from being on TRT I would give DHEA and Pregnenolone a shot. Just be ready to dream your ass off.
Update: I have been off Arimidex now for 3 months. I did have some water gain after a few weeks but that leveled off. My anxiety and emotions did increase but it didn't bother me as much since I have made some adjustment to them but definitely noticeable. I decided to try Pregnenolone and DHEA. It has dramatically reduced my anxiety. I am a lot calmer. Emotion wise I would say I am just as emotional but there is a difference. I have more control over my emotions. Noticeable side effects for me are dreams and BP drop. Now my BP is always a hair high when I lift and don't do any cardio so not a problem for me but it dropped for sure. Also I have noticed a definite increase in my ability to focus and recall memories. Yes I know what you are going to ask. Did I test prior, no I did not. One I know my endo won't and 2 it's not cheap. So I am be very careful and not taking that high of an amount. 50 mg DHEA twice a day and 50 Pregnenolone once in the morning. I agree with Nelson on not messing with your E unless it's really high. If you do get very anxious and you are very emotional from being on TRT I would give DHEA and Pregnenolone a shot. Just be ready to dream your ass off.

Steelballs , start a new thread with this, someone will respond.
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