Robert of the North
New Member
My doc prescribes hCG along with Clomid for 3 months of the year when he takes me off the test cypionate. My typical regime for the past 2 years has been: 200mg of cypionate every week (broken up via 2 shots sqi). Then for 3 months, he will take me off the testosterone cypionate and prescribed hCG and Clomid to be taken in the following way: 25 IU of hCG in the belly daily + 1/2 tablet of Clomid in the AM then a 1/2 tablet in the PM. I do this for 25 Days on/5 Days off/25 Days on/5 Days off/25 Days on. Then I’m back on the cypionate. My first year I achieved great results. This past year was a bit more of a struggle. Any input?