What dose of primo were u using with the 200mg of test when u felt low E2 symptoms? For me, primo is also a very potent aromatase inhibitor, verified by labs
I tried HCG monotherapy for a about a year at the beginning of my HRT journey. Felt pretty good overall. Remember libido being super high. Only issue I had was that I couldn’t control the itchy/ sensitive nipples, even with an ai. I would scratch my nipples until they bleed. And ended up forming gyno in my left nipple. But caught it quickly and upped my ai and luckily it mostly went away. Think there’s still a little bit of it there tho unfortunately. Very tiny tho from what I can tell. But while using an ai my e2 was around 43-55. I’ve had E2 close to 90 on a test base, and never once had any nipple issues. So I’m assuming the nipple issues were due to either high prolactin, high prog or high DHEA-S levels. I didn’t have prolactin, prog or DHEA-S checked while on HCG mono, unfortunately, but I’ve used Pregnyl HCG while on a test base after that, and verified with labs that it would always increase my prog and DHEA-S levels quite a bit. Don’t remember Pregnyl ever increasing my prolactin a bunch. I just say that my nipple issues could have been due to prolactin while on HCG mono because usually high prolactin and itchy/ sensitive nipples tend to go hand in hand. Or maybe it was a combo of elevated prolactin, DHEA-S and prog, who knows. Just know it wasn’t due to E2.
For me personally, HCG mono using 2000 iu’s per week produced more than enough E2. Even while using 0.5mg of anastrozole per week my e2 was between 44-55. So I don’t think nandrolone would be a great option, due to it increasing the conversion rate of test into E2, and increasing prolactin receptor sensitivity I believe.
I can see using something that controls E2 while on HCG mono, like a DHT derivative, probably being a good idea for some guys. I think it definitely could have helped me avoid using an ai when I was on HCG mono, which I would have preferred. Would much rather control E2 with something like primo vs anastrozole or exemestane