I will be donating blood in the net day or 2 and as usual I am dreading it. I feel weak and lightheaded for about 8 hours after a donation. Then of course the next day I feel bette then ever.
Wondering if I should load up on Gatorade or anything else to ease symptoms.
Yes I eat a large meal before and shortly after. Additionally I drink 4 or 5 of those cranberry juice bottles they offer at the Red Cross plus a lot of the free cookies lol
I always liked donating on an empty stomach, afterwards I would only drink black coffee and water. I read that's not the right way to do it, I felt if I ate a meal, a lot of blood would go to my stomach to help digest food.
One of the strange side effects I always get for the first 8 hours after donating is lightheaded when urinating, as if I am about to black out. Sometimes I need to hold on the the wall. I think I read this is called the Vagal Reflex.
Just returned from the Red Cross. 16 ounces water 30 min before donation and 32 oz Gatorade after and I feel pretty good. I usually get light headed and feel weak after a blood donation but not today.
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