what is more important DHA or EPA? and is there a brand I should check out? HDL and LDL out of range low.
Both are important and the best way to obtain such would be from oily fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, trout as you would also be getting quality protein let alone micronutrients/antioxidants.
If you prefer the supplementation route then you could purchase a seed oil that contains a balance of omega 3/6 such as Udo's Oil or Hemp which is made up of the essential fatty acids linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3) which your body will convert to EPA/DHA.
Many would prefer to consume fish oil (mainly omega 3) which is made up of EPA/DHA.
Carlson makes a high-quality fish/cod liver oil but there are numerous products to choose from.
Many other members can chime in on what brands they prefer when it comes to supplementation.
Virtually no one in the developed world should be supplementing with more Omega 6s. We are already getting a boatload of seed oils in our diet.
Of course, most are taking in way too many Omega 6 but there are also many who are strict with fat intake when it comes to diet and a balance of Omega 3/6 is needed.
Hope you understand that there are many on the other end of the spectrum who follow higher carbohydrate (low GL/GI), moderate protein, low-fat diets, and these are the same individuals that are prone to developing a deficiency in EFAs (3/6).
The fats in the Western Diet are causing an imbalance of omega3/Omega6. Even healthy fats like olive oil or avocado create an imbalance in favor of Omega6s. I'm not saying its impossible that someone is Omega 6 deficient but the number of people that are is so small its negligible and the seed oils that companies sell as health foods are just manufacturing bi-products. For someone to go out of their way to consume more omega 6, they would have to basically be starving.
I’ve never really researched it. But I would look into walnuts for omega 3.I am fairly allergic to fish, shell fish etc so really can't easily take fish oil capsules or consume seafood. What else would you recommend? My understanding is that flax seed oil etc contains little of Omega 3's (as mentioned above about 6's).
Anything I can do to boost my Omega 3?
I am fairly allergic to fish, shell fish etc so really can't easily take fish oil capsules or consume seafood. What else would you recommend? My understanding is that flax seed oil etc contains little of Omega 3's (as mentioned above about 6's).
Anything I can do to boost my Omega 3?