I have been experiencing rapid heart rate increase and extreme tiredness after meals that tend to disappear a few hours later. I am not on TRT but I did experiment with testosterone propionate, Clen and T3 over 10 years ago in college for a short stint. I used Tamoxifen for two weeks as PCT and never looked back. Fast forward to every subsequent year during my PCP physicals, I requested male hormone panels where they consistently showed my LH and FSH both sat at .9 (Low) while TT was 300, SHBG at 16, E2 at 25 (sensitive) and total estrogen serum at 220 (56-190 range). I was overweight my entire life that even caused puberty gyno due to poor lifestyle habits as a teen but before I discovered what the gym was. I endeavored on a weight loss journey and lost about 70lbs. I was 250lbs and went down to 180lbs stricly on diet and lifestyle changes. I experimented with testosterone propionate following that journey for size as I hit plateau I couldn't overcome.
Long story short, I began treatment with my local endocrinologist of clomid at 25mg a day for 3 months. The treatment was great in the beginning as it improved my libidio, sperm volume, sleep, energy, etc. I saw nothing but positives, but after stopping, is when the nightmares begin. I put on weight extremely fast, feel pounding heart, anxiety, extreme tiredness after meals, food coma, etc. I eat a relatively low carb, high protein diet and stay away from sugar as it makes all of the above much worse when consumed. Additionally, my entire mother's side of the family has some form of diabetes and I'm thinking I may be trending this territory. I took small dose Aromasin once to combat these symptoms thinking it was high E2 and granted, all of my symptoms tremendously subsided, however my libido, erections, pumps in the gym, endurance, etc. All went in the gutter. I performed another treatment of clomid with the same symptoms returning after stopping. The last treatment consisted of 25 mg of clomid + 10mg of Tamoxifen for two months with hard diet and excersise and I went from 280lbs to 240lbs in two months. I was doing and feeling great but the symptoms returned after stopping so I ran Aromasin for two weeks at 6.25mg taken EOD. It crushed my estrogen and testosterone. I lived a nightmare of crashed estrogen for 6 months from dry skin, dehydration, severe depression, joint pain, insomnia, etc. before I began feeling better. I was connected to a reputable organization to handle my care and I was placed on Tamoxifen 10mg EOD for 3 months to help expedite recovery again. I stopped this treatment this past Friday after performing FULL labs and still await the results but that pounding heart and extreme fatigue returned with a vengeance. I will share my labs upon receipt but did anyone live through something like this? Is it thyroid? Insulin resistance? Low T?
I would really love to not begin the TRT journey for life yet because I plan on having more children (God willing). I'm a low SHBG guy with a hereditary history of diabetes and obesity. I would do everything to not get diabetes, even if I can reverse it using TRT but I'm just not willing to make that leap yet.
My most recent labs off any SERMS are:
HDL = 42 mg/dl
LDL= 118 mg/dl
TT= 260 ng/dl
Free T = 16 pg/ml
Estradiol sensitive = 36 pg/ml
LH = 5.1 IU/L
FSH = 1.5 IU/L (low)
DHT = 16 ng/dl (low)
SHBG = 13 nmol/L (low)
These labs were performed 2 months ago before my Tamoxifen treatment. I'm waiting on new lab results. I'm 30 years old.
Thanks for reading.
Long story short, I began treatment with my local endocrinologist of clomid at 25mg a day for 3 months. The treatment was great in the beginning as it improved my libidio, sperm volume, sleep, energy, etc. I saw nothing but positives, but after stopping, is when the nightmares begin. I put on weight extremely fast, feel pounding heart, anxiety, extreme tiredness after meals, food coma, etc. I eat a relatively low carb, high protein diet and stay away from sugar as it makes all of the above much worse when consumed. Additionally, my entire mother's side of the family has some form of diabetes and I'm thinking I may be trending this territory. I took small dose Aromasin once to combat these symptoms thinking it was high E2 and granted, all of my symptoms tremendously subsided, however my libido, erections, pumps in the gym, endurance, etc. All went in the gutter. I performed another treatment of clomid with the same symptoms returning after stopping. The last treatment consisted of 25 mg of clomid + 10mg of Tamoxifen for two months with hard diet and excersise and I went from 280lbs to 240lbs in two months. I was doing and feeling great but the symptoms returned after stopping so I ran Aromasin for two weeks at 6.25mg taken EOD. It crushed my estrogen and testosterone. I lived a nightmare of crashed estrogen for 6 months from dry skin, dehydration, severe depression, joint pain, insomnia, etc. before I began feeling better. I was connected to a reputable organization to handle my care and I was placed on Tamoxifen 10mg EOD for 3 months to help expedite recovery again. I stopped this treatment this past Friday after performing FULL labs and still await the results but that pounding heart and extreme fatigue returned with a vengeance. I will share my labs upon receipt but did anyone live through something like this? Is it thyroid? Insulin resistance? Low T?
I would really love to not begin the TRT journey for life yet because I plan on having more children (God willing). I'm a low SHBG guy with a hereditary history of diabetes and obesity. I would do everything to not get diabetes, even if I can reverse it using TRT but I'm just not willing to make that leap yet.
My most recent labs off any SERMS are:
HDL = 42 mg/dl
LDL= 118 mg/dl
TT= 260 ng/dl
Free T = 16 pg/ml
Estradiol sensitive = 36 pg/ml
LH = 5.1 IU/L
FSH = 1.5 IU/L (low)
DHT = 16 ng/dl (low)
SHBG = 13 nmol/L (low)
These labs were performed 2 months ago before my Tamoxifen treatment. I'm waiting on new lab results. I'm 30 years old.
Thanks for reading.