This clinic is a disaster. They charge €320 for a 45 min. consultation (May 2023), and tell you to schedule a new appointment in a few months. I was prescribed thyroid hormone, cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, growth hormone, pregnenolone, DHEA, melatonin and Ozempic and told to start them all at once. That is crazy. If you get side effects, how do you know which drug(s) to blame? I find their approach totally irresponsible. Also, I wonder how knowledgeable the doctors are about conditions such as hypothyroidism. I had severe hypothyroidism (high TSH, low free Ts), and high blood pressure and cholesterol which are common conditions in untreated hypothyroidism. The doctor asked me if I eat a lot of fat and salt...! He also seemed genuinely surprised I am overweight (is that not common in hypothyroidism?) and prescribed Ozempic to lose weight. Should not thyroid hormone levels be optimized first? They seem to put the horse before the cart. If I had started on all the hormones prescribed, I am not sure I would have survived. At the very least, I would have ended up with serious side effects.
For an additional €100, Dr. Hertoghe will go over your lab results and review your treatment plan. From what I have read here, I am not sure it is worth it.
To sum up: I paid €720 for the consultation and lab analyses. I chose not to buy Erfa Thyroid or growth hormone (both very expensive and not covered by my health insurance). Cheaper thyroid options are available online. If I had bought everything they prescribed, I could easily have ended up paying €2,000...
I don´t think I will go back. The doctor did not seem that competent or knowledgeable to me, and I don´t expect he would be much help if I needed advice.
Some forums suggest this clinic has been going downhill for quite some time now. The doctors working there are GPs and not specialists. Also, they only work part-time in the clinic, meaning there is not necessarily continuity of care. My impression is they are in it for the money more than anything. They seem to prescribe the same drugs to everyone above a certain age, and they don´t see patients often enough for proper follow-up. I suspect many patients go there once or twice and then either find a new doctor or decide to self-treat. I am seriously considering the latter.