Dosing and freq of T and HCG


New Member
Hi all. Right now I take 1 ml of T every Sunday via IM inj, .4 ml of HCG every Sunday and Wednesday and .5 pill of anastrozole every Sunday. My lab results are good and my doctor, who is a bit of a liberal prescriber, wants me to take more T and HCG. I also take a lot of armour thyroid and T-3 because of hashimotos hypothyroid. I'm concerned about my skin and hair. Skin is always breaking out and greasy and hair is failing out more than ever. My reg doctor wants me to quit all which is not an option.

About a year ago on another forum when I had the same concerns someone wrote me the following (I was taking more T at the time):

I HIGHLY recommend you rethink your approach and go with every 3 day injections of half that amount or less or consider daily subQ injections. When you decrease that dose to about 100 mg/week and break it into about 30 mg E3D, the volume will be so small that you can easily draw up and inject with the one-piece insulin syringes that are readily available at most pharmacies without a prescription. I find that I can easily draw up and inject 0.2 mL of my compounded T blend with a 0.3 mL 30G insulin syringe with a 1/2 inch needle. Painless and it works.

Most people here take the smaller, more frequent injections, using a .5ml, 29g to 31g insulin syringe. I use a 29g syringe from BD, it is almost painless.

Also, I use less HCG than he does, I use 167 IU Monday, Wednesday, Friday, which works out to 500 IU per week. This is about all you need to prevent testicular atrophy. I would not go any higher than 750 IU per week. Testicular produced T aromatizes at a faster rate to E than the injected T. You are much better off with minimizing the HCG and using the injected T to get your T levels to where you need them.

What do you think of this advice? Do you think it would be better to divide doses and take subQ, especially for skin and hair?
Funny, I think know who wrote that to you.

In all honesty, it's pretty good advice.

1 ml a week, or 200 mg, is a big one time dose and is at the top of the dosage range we normally see for men on TRT.

Without seeing labs it's hard to make any dosage recommendation.

For me, and the individual who gave you some solid advice, I like smaller lower dose injections more frequently to keep all serum levels more stabilized.

I inject 80 mg of Test Cyp Monday morning and Thursday night with 125 iu daily of HCG and this works perfectly for me...and I don't need an AI!

Subcutaneous injections work for many men if that is something you are willing to try. Dr. Crisler has a great video on that in the Video page within the site so go check it out and see what this wise one has to say about it.
My Dr just changed my T-cyprionate rx to Bi-testosterone (CYP 200mg - injecting 0.5ml weekly) as he states with weekly admin I will not experience an up and down swing when dosing weekly. The Bi-test is a more even T.

Do you/anyone have a comment on this?

ALso, is there any significance or benefit to splitting the admin to bi weekly?

Thanks Gene. I'm confused by the alternating between measurement units in the advice that was given to me. I am familiar with ml's, because that is what is on the syringe. I take 200 mg concentraton of Test Cyp. If I've been taking 1 mL weekly, and I want to switch it to every three days, how much would I take in each dose in milliliters? Also, my testosterone is packed in grapeseed oil, I cannot get it to go into a 31g sub q insulin syringe. With your multiple doses, do you inject intramuscularly or subq? if the latter, any advice to how to get it to go into the syringe? Thanks for any advice and input you can provide
quick clarification on HCG dosing:
just started 1000ml weekly
took first admin at 500
For example you dose daily and Nelson does every other day.....what are benefits and expectations? should I be breaking this up into smaller doses. Im assuming an insulin syringe is required for the correct smaller measurement?
quick clarification on HCG dosing:
just started 1000ml weekly
took first admin at 500
For example you dose daily and Nelson does every other day.....what are benefits and expectations? should I be breaking this up into smaller doses. Im assuming an insulin syringe is required for the correct smaller measurement?

The subjective response by many men who went to smaller more frequent injections of HCG is increase libido and a better sense of well being as opposed to two back-to-back larger doses.

If you are one who can stick to the injection protocol and be compliant I personally think it's the only way to go.

Yes, you need insulin syringes for HCG injections.

See the video on how to inject HCG here on the site.
thank you very much.............yeah last night was a 23g in the stomach......Id prefer the insulin syringe, it was a great video, it was how I learned !!!
this is an awesome site !
Funny, I think know who wrote that to you.

In all honesty, it's pretty good advice.

1 ml a week, or 200 mg, is a big one time dose and is at the top of the dosage range we normally see for men on TRT.

Without seeing labs it's hard to make any dosage recommendation.

For me, and the individual who gave you some solid advice, I like smaller lower dose injections more frequently to keep all serum levels more stabilized.

I inject 80 mg of Test Cyp Monday morning and Thursday night with 125 iu daily of HCG and this works perfectly for me...and I don't need an AI!

Subcutaneous injections work for many men if that is something you are willing to try. Dr. Crisler has a great video on that in the Video page within the site so go check it out and see what this wise one has to say about it.

Gene: Is this still the protocol you are using?
It seems as though many are dosing at around 1000 IU HCG a week (divided e3d, 2 times a week, or daily). What are the possible benefits and negatives to a higher dose?
Don just as a reference point Dr Saya at Defy has me on 700 iu per week which per Gene's approach I inject 100 iu per day with a 28g insulin needle around the belly button.

This is my first month on the HCG after being on TRT about 2 years
I to the contrary use 100iu HcG 2x per week. I've tried all the varieties of dosing and frequency, from 100iu daily, to 400iu EOD, 250iu EOD...HcG never had a tangible feeling for me beyond my nuts are obviously still alive and not shrunken. Fertility is no issue for me. It starts to be an individual thing that you have to be willing to go trial and error with. So I use it currently just to keep the boys alive with a minimal dose. Also, my low SHBG means I'm also more sensitive to the Estrogen curve and the conversion in the testes isn't managed with an AI as it's not via the Aromataze enzyme.
Hello! I need some dosage help/ recommendations for my test cyp and HcG.... I have been dosing my test cyp 200mg weekly as 1ml in a 22 gauge syringe IM in the thigh, and then doing 50ml of 6000IU HcG sub-q with a 31 guage in the abdomen twice weekly.
I am hoping to move to injecting both together twice weekly in the deltoid IM with the 31 guage syringe. Trying to figure out what dosage to use to do this appropriately? Would the 31 needle (5/16 length) work OK for this?
Any advice would be helpful, as I'm looking to condense dosages and keep more even levels with twice a week.
I would lower your dose to 70 mg of testosterone and 500 IU of HCG, twice weekly. I would inject with a 29 g 1/2" syringe. I wouldn't inject it inside, but would consider the shoulder and VG.

Hi all. Right now I take 1 ml of T every Sunday via IM inj, .4 ml of HCG every Sunday and Wednesday and .5 pill of anastrozole every Sunday. My lab results are good and my doctor, who is a bit of a liberal prescriber, wants me to take more T and HCG. I also take a lot of armour thyroid and T-3 because of hashimotos hypothyroid. I'm concerned about my skin and hair. Skin is always breaking out and greasy and hair is failing out more than ever. My reg doctor wants me to quit all which is not an option.

About a year ago on another forum when I had the same concerns someone wrote me the following (I was taking more T at the time):

I HIGHLY recommend you rethink your approach and go with every 3 day injections of half that amount or less or consider daily subQ injections. When you decrease that dose to about 100 mg/week and break it into about 30 mg E3D, the volume will be so small that you can easily draw up and inject with the one-piece insulin syringes that are readily available at most pharmacies without a prescription. I find that I can easily draw up and inject 0.2 mL of my compounded T blend with a 0.3 mL 30G insulin syringe with a 1/2 inch needle. Painless and it works.

Most people here take the smaller, more frequent injections, using a .5ml, 29g to 31g insulin syringe. I use a 29g syringe from BD, it is almost painless.

Also, I use less HCG than he does, I use 167 IU Monday, Wednesday, Friday, which works out to 500 IU per week. This is about all you need to prevent testicular atrophy. I would not go any higher than 750 IU per week. Testicular produced T aromatizes at a faster rate to E than the injected T. You are much better off with minimizing the HCG and using the injected T to get your T levels to where you need them.

What do you think of this advice? Do you think it would be better to divide doses and take subQ, especially for skin and hair?
How long can I go with a solo cycle of HCG, 3,4,6 months ? I just started my 4th month 500 ui every other day. I feel great however my emoglobine a little high. Thank you!
How long can I go with a solo cycle of HCG, 3,4,6 months ? I just started my 4th month 500 ui every other day. I feel great however my emoglobine a little high. Thank you!
@charlieabu, I am also interested in this. I have tinkered way more than I care to admit, and my observation has been that I feel better when on hCG compared with when off hCG, and I feel the most "even" and consistent when on hCG with Natesto.

This combo makes no sense, but I just feel better on it. I have not been on hCG monotherapy since I started TRT years ago. But, given how shitty I have felt with most forms of TRT, I sometimes wonder which factor is more relevant in feeling decent for me: the hCG or Natesto?

I am unusual in that the hCG I use is minuscule: 100IU daily. That said, if I go off and restart it, I definitely feel even the 100IU. On the other hand, if I use more than this amount, I tend to feel crappy.

Would love to hear others' comments on hCG.
I’m interested to know what would be the upper limit for dosing HCG. Also how long can you take it before seeing negative feedback starting to down regulate LH and FSH?
I second this question. I have been on small daily hCG at 100IU/day for years. Last time I checked LH, it was <0.3 (1.7-8.6), so barely detectable. It could be that I have really significant secondary hypogonadism, but it is more likely this is related to chronic suppression of the axis.

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