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I am new to this and need some serious advice. I have got the blood work and based on the results i have been asked to take delatestryl .6 every week for rest of my life. I am 57 and fit and work in a physical activity type work every day. is this going to help me get my testosterone levels up? get me leaner and muscular? Please feel free to email me or reply to this. I really appreciate it. I have to take a decesion as to whether i need to be on this for rest of my life.
Thanking in advance
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Welcome to excelmale forum 1glffitpro. The choices are: 1) place your care in the hands of an MD you trust, or, 2) self guided care

I do not know your level knowledge therefore it is best to assume that you are not yet ready for self guided care. Keep reading these pages and post your fitness level, current symptoms that you feel might be related to low serum hormone levels, your experience with your MD and your labs.
You're wise to carefully consider if TRT is a regimen you wish to embark on. It can change one's life dramatically for the better, it certainly did in my case. If you care to offer a bit more background, symptoms, medical history, lab results,mother conversation that ensues will be more focused, and - we hope - of value to you.
My platelet count is 134. my Testosterone is 11.3. I have been given 0.6 every 7days. Does taking 0.6cc of Delatestryl make any difference? I am using the MD who had mentioned to get on it. I have to get tested for blood work after my 4th week within 72 hrs. Looking for suggestion and advice on the quantity and if this dosage is enough? or do i need to ask my MD for more or other products which will work with it
My platelet count is 134. my Testosterone is 11.3. I have been given 0.6 every 7days. Does taking 0.6cc of Delatestryl make any difference? I am using the MD who had mentioned to get on it. I have to get tested for blood work after my 4th week within 72 hrs. Looking for suggestion and advice on the quantity and if this dosage is enough? or do i need to ask my MD for more or other products which will work with it

What is your SHBG? Your free testosterone? What symptoms did you present to your physician? What other medications are you taking, and does your medical history offer any clues as to why you are hypogonadal?
I had mentioned to my doctor that I am tired, not getting sleep, irritated and the usual mens libido issue. I also have joint inflammation and pains which has been bothering me every few months. I do take medications for joint pains when i get it. Otherwise no other medications.
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I had mentioned to my doctor that I am tired, not getting sleep, irritated and the usual mens libido issue. I also have joint inflammation and pains which has been bothering me every few months. I do take medications for joint pains when i get it. Otherwise no other medications.
Where are the rest of your lab values? What else did your doctor run? TRT can change lives dramatically for the better, it did mine, but one can't answer questions such as you've posed in isolation. The decision to initiate therapy has to be based on subjective symptoms, what you tell your doctor, and objective lab results, which you and your doctor use to guide you to the correct choice.
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