Dad now son at 19 low t

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I got DX at 40 years old with secondary hypogonadism and have been on trt since. I remember I had lowish LH and FSH. Tried clomid which brought up LH moderately but did not bring up my testosterone enough. Also felt not well on it. I believe I have some primary and secondary. Because I have a testicle that has a heterogeneous echotexture. That's just my belief that one testicle may not be working well.

So my son soon to be 19. Is athletic, strong and muscular up until a few months ago.
I did get a baseline when he was around 16.
T was 345
LH 4.2
FSH 2.1
Shbg 15.6
I didn't raise any red flags then because he was in the middle of puberty even though his t should have been higher most likely.

Now almost 19 he measured
T 319 Ng/dl. LCMS assay (300-950)
LH 3.8 (1.3-9.8)
FSH 1.9 (.8 - 7.2)
Prolactin 11.6 (4-15.2)

Not happy. Any thoughts? Any further tests?
I am awaiting a repeat testosterone test.
My son feels like he can't put on muscle anymore and lost some. And has low energy. And I see he has mood swings.
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