Could it be my cypionate dose that's making me moody?


Hello I've been on trt since 2017 and have always taken 150 to 100mg of cypionate weekly. The last few months or so I've been on 50 mg weekly. I settled for 50 mg because my estrogen sensitive, and ferritin ans rbc have normalized and so has my htc.
When I was on a higher dose I felt better as far as less agitation and less moodiness (notice I said less. My personality is moody at times period).
Now on 50mg weekly I feel like my veins are on fire at times wanting to take on the world. I don't like that feeling. I have a negative outlook at times.
My wife has mentioned I wake up moody and go to bed moody.
Could it be the 50 mg dose?
Should I go up some, say to 50 mg or 70 mg per week?
My tt has come back around 500ish like on day 3.
The last few months or so I've been on 50 mg weekly. I settled for 50 mg because my estrogen sensitive, and ferritin ans rbc have normalized and so has my htc.
When I was on a higher dose I felt better as far as less agitation and less moodiness (notice I said less. My personality is moody at times period).
It's clear you're robbing Peter to pay Paul, to satisfy your CBC, you're underdosing and this is why you feel unwell at times. As far as being mood at times on the higher dosage, you're human and you can get mood independent of your hormonal values.

Should I go up some, say to 50 mg or 70 mg per week?
Increasing your dosage or increasing the shot frequency is the only way to feel better.
It's clear you're robbing Peter to pay Paul, to satisfy your CBC, you're underdosing and this is why you feel unwell at times.
The thing is my ferritin drops and hemoglobin at a higher dose. My ferritin was as low as 12 before and now over 125. I had no energy before.
Good energy now but moody more.
I think you need to find some middle ground on the dosing and CBC. I think it's time for oral testosterone due to it's smaller impact on CBC.
I may increase my dose to 60 or 70 and see how that plays out. As far as the oral med it doesn't effect the liver like other oral t meds but goes through the lymphatic system. That's scary too as we don't know how toxic it is for the lymphatic system.
That's scary too as we don't know how toxic it is for the lymphatic system.
We have clinical trials showing no liver toxicity and FDA approval. I don't understand, you're not a new member and yet you're still hung up on this liver toxicity even though no liver toxicity was found in the clinical trials.

Now the older type of oral testosterone did have liver toxicity.
Hello I've been on trt since 2017 and have always taken 150 to 100mg of cypionate weekly. The last few months or so I've been on 50 mg weekly. I settled for 50 mg because my estrogen sensitive, and ferritin ans rbc have normalized and so has my htc.
When I was on a higher dose I felt better as far as less agitation and less moodiness (notice I said less. My personality is moody at times period).
Now on 50mg weekly I feel like my veins are on fire at times wanting to take on the world. I don't like that feeling. I have a negative outlook at times.
My wife has mentioned I wake up moody and go to bed moody.
Could it be the 50 mg dose?
Should I go up some, say to 50 mg or 70 mg per week?
My tt has come back around 500ish like on day 3.
If my level was that low, I would definitely feel bad.

I believe to feel your best. You need to get your levels at your age 21. Most men feel the best when they get their levels back to where they were at a young age.
We have clinical trials showing no liver toxicity and FDA approval. I don't understand, you're not a new member and yet you're still hung up on this liver toxicity even though no liver toxicity was found in the clinical trials.

Now the older type of oral testosterone did have liver toxicity.
I didn't say this med causes liver toxicity. I was referring to other oral meds. With this one no liver issues I read and yes that's good. My concern is how safe is it on the lymphatic system since that's the channel for t to be utilized.
If my level was that low, I would definitely feel bad.

I believe to feel your best. You need to get your levels at your age 21. Most men feel the best when they get their levels back to where they were at a young age.
I suspect what's happening my peak is 500ish within a day or so and then the remaining days I'm at the lowest until my next shot. I'll do 60 or 70 to have higher trough.
Hello I've been on trt since 2017 and have always taken 150 to 100mg of cypionate weekly. The last few months or so I've been on 50 mg weekly. I settled for 50 mg because my estrogen sensitive, and ferritin ans rbc have normalized and so has my htc.
When I was on a higher dose I felt better as far as less agitation and less moodiness (notice I said less. My personality is moody at times period).
Now on 50mg weekly I feel like my veins are on fire at times wanting to take on the world. I don't like that feeling. I have a negative outlook at times.
My wife has mentioned I wake up moody and go to bed moody.
Could it be the 50 mg dose?
Should I go up some, say to 50 mg or 70 mg per week?
My tt has come back around 500ish like on day 3.

50 mg T let alone once weekly is well under where most doctors in the know would start someone on TTh.

As you would know most are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly or split into more frequent injections.

Even then the majority of men can easily hit a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mg T/week especially when split into more frequent injections.

Most would never need the higher-end dose 200 mg/week which is overkill!

Yes some do start on let alone do well on <100 mg T/week especially when injecting more frequently but it is far from common.

Even then if you are injecting 50 mg T once weekly then it is a given that your trough FT (7 days) post-injection will be subpar!

Keep in mind when injecting once weekly there will be a big difference in the peak--->trough and blood levels will not be as stable throughout the week which can easily have a negative impact on ones energy, mood, libido, erectile function and recovery.

Would definitely look into bumping up your dose by 20 mg/week and see how you feel let alone what impact it has on your trough FT and RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Also as you would know splitting up your dose and injecting more frequently will soften your peak and bring up your trough but even then you need to make sure your weekly dose is high enough so you still hit a healthy trough FT!

Need to try and find that sweet spot where you can still maintain a decent trough FT and feel well while at the same time minimizing sides!

Easier said than done when one struggles with elevated RBCs, hemoglobin and hematocrit.

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