I have made my views of clomid known, at least my initial views, while on TRT at 200mg/week. Within the next few days or weeks, I will be starting my first "cycle" outside of TRT, with nandrolone deconate 300mg/wk and test cyp 200mg/week. It seems irrefutable that 300mg of deca a week will most certainly shut a man down. Not to mention the test cyp with it. So, If i were to take Clomid concurrently, at say 25mg/day, and the lab work showed my LH and FSH to be WNL's (sperm sample optimal but $), wouldn't is show that the clomid is working, despite being "shutdown"? Or would it be better if i started say 4 weeks after starting the deca, to give it time to shut me down? The concurrent test cyp would keep my sex drive alive whilst waiting for the shutdown. I would have no problem doing that. I plan to monitor my proloactin, but from what i can tell at 300mg and only 200mg test, i do not think it will be necessary. Anyway, I thought it would be an interesting case study. The only "unknowns" are the deca and the clomid. They are non Rx so their quality could be an issue. I see my Dr. on tuesday and considering just asking him for the 25mg of clomid a day to keep my testicles since it seems to be working, instead of going to HCG. That would ensure the quality control of the clomid. To me, it would be interesting, and something i would like to share. But if no one would be interested, or if it is a dumb idea, i would just keep it to myself. Plus, i would like others ideas on controls etc. to make it as valuable as possible. A lot of you are able to guinea pigs based on health issues. I do not have that "luxury", but I want to learn as i try to meet all of my strength and muscle goals that i have had since a teenager that i have been unable to meet naturally. With all of the contrasting information on clomid while being "shutdown", i thought this could be useful.