Tommy Wall
Is there anyone here on this forum that uses or have used Confidall that could share something about this supplement. It seems to be godd for confidence enhancement among other benefits.
Is there anyone here on this forum that uses or have used Confidall that could share something about this supplement. It seems to be godd for confidence enhancement among other benefits.
Is there anyone here on this forum that uses or have used Confidall that could share something about this supplement. It seems to be godd for confidence enhancement among other benefits.
I don’t recommend 5-HTP due to negative side effects that some have.
Jordan Peterson is a famous psychologist and he likes this study about lobsters. It says that when lobsters win fights against other lobsters, there’s a huge spike in serotonin that causes the lobster to basically stand up straight and strut around with confidence.
That being said, all of these serotonin drugs and supplements are risky. They lower libido,which can kill confidence on it’s own. Best bet is to take in more amino acids that are precursors to neurotransmitters like serotonin.
Amino acids compete with each other so it’s best not to overdo it.
I also recommend NOFAP, weightlifting, sun exposure, being productive, completing big and small tasks, and looking for alpha male role models-basically the ones that DGAF about anyone else’s opinion.
Only have labs from Januari TT 609 FT 36,1 pg/mL Estradiol 35,38 pg/mLIt seems that is just a combo of 5HTP, Gaba, Thianine and L Acetyl Carnitine. None of these ingredients "boosts confidence".
I would not buy it. Bad reviews
What's your testosterone blood level?
You can definitely unlock your own confidence, and it’s more about changing your thought processes and thinking highly of yourself. If any self destructing thought comes to mind, you say not true. You focus on the good things.Only have labs from Januari TT 609 FT 36,1 pg/mL Estradiol 35,38 pg/mL