CJC 1295 w/Dac and Ipamorelin dosing?

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I've decided to make the jump into Growth Hormone peptides and have CJC 1295 w/DAC and Ipamorelin on the way... (I've read that the CJC and Ipamorelin is far more effective when used together). I've did my research and I'm pretty confident with how to dose Ipamorelin (100 to 300 mcg per night), but I'm getting mixed info on how to dose CJC 1295 w/ DAC... I know due to the CJC binding with DAC it lasts theoretically up to a week but I have also read where it's still recommended to dose 2x a week or daily along with with the Ipamorelin... I trust the honest input on Excel than I do at random sites so Im looking for some honest recommendations..

PS- I have read that Ipamorelin can help with LH/FSH while on TRT (HCG does nothing for me and skyrocketed my E2)...
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I have some personal and successful experiences with peptides including in the growth hormone sector. Many peptides are showing promise in the lab and in the real-world with people simply giving them a try and sharing their stories. To your question, I've only used CJC 1295 w/no dac + Ipa combined in a 2mg + 2mg =4mg vial; 2mL BAC water; 15 units; 5 days/wk. The Ipa is nightly as is the cjc 1295 no day, so with your w/Dac, isn't nightly, you're night always taking advantage of the synergy between cjc and ipa...at least that's what I've learned over much research and listening to others.

As much as I could keep my other lifestyle factors consistent, I noticed significant benefits, which were: 1. deep and high quality sleep 2. 8lb weight loss in 2 months 3. better morning erections, which were already decent. This was after my first go with it about 8 months ago. The sleep and erections continue but the weight loss doesn't at the same rate. So that's it. As a side note, I also use BPC-157 5mg, which is utterly amazing; and I use Oxytocin 2mg, and it's also amazing in the area of sexual pleasure.

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I have some personal and successful experiences with peptides including in the growth hormone sector. Many peptides are showing promise in the lab and in the real-world with people simply giving them a try and sharing their stories. To your question, I've only used CJC 1295 w/no dac + Ipa combined in a 2mg + 2mg =4mg vial; 2mL BAC water; 15 units; 5 days/wk. The Ipa is nightly as is the cjc 1295 no day, so with your w/Dac, isn't nightly, you're night always taking advantage of the synergy between cjc and ipa...at least that's what I've learned over much research and listening to others.

As much as I could keep my other lifestyle factors consistent, I noticed significant benefits, which were: 1. deep and high quality sleep 2. 8lb weight loss in 2 months 3. better morning erections, which were already decent. This was after my first go with it about 8 months ago. The sleep and erections continue but the weight loss doesn't at the same rate. So that's it. As a side note, I also use BPC-157 5mg, which is utterly amazing; and I use Oxytocin 2mg, and it's also amazing in the area of sexual pleasure.

Make it a great day!

So how much were you using every night of each peptide in mcgs?

where were your getting these peptides from?

how long did you run the ipa and CJC combo for?
Admittedly, calculating mcg from mL and units gets my mind in knots, so this comes from a YouTube vid and confirmed from friends who have minds for conversions. In this case, I have 4mg vial = 2mg each of cjc and ipa; I add in BAC water = to half the mg vial, so 2mg water. Every 5 units on an insulin syringe = 100 mcg of content. But since my vial is a combo, I say 10 units is 100mcg of cjc and 100mcg of ipa. I go to 15 units, so 150mcg of each. I think this is correct. haha.

I've ordered from peptidesciences.com one time and peptidepros.net many times. Both are reputable and a good choice if a compounding pharmacy isn't an option.

I buy 9 4mg cjc + ipa vials at a time; goal is 5 days/week but since it's better on an empty stomach, I skip some days if I eat too late or want a late night protein shake and then go to bed before 2 hours elapse. This is a guess, but I think maybe my vials go for around 2 months. I only take at night; others repeat upon waking up but can't eat for at least 30 min after injecting.
Forgot to mention just in case...proper care must be taking while mixing and storing the vials. I store all vials in the refrigerator before and after mixing. I allow the BAC water to gently drop into the vial, and the white "puck" usually dissolves on its own.
Forgot to mention just in case...proper care must be taking while mixing and storing the vials. I store all vials in the refrigerator before and after mixing. I allow the BAC water to gently drop into the vial, and the white "puck" usually dissolves on its own.

Do you store the bac water in the fridge too? Only ask because I think I might of read that the cold bac water can “shock” the lyophilized powder. Probably not true.

Ive been using Empower pharmacy for my ipa, and peptidesciences for my CJC. So would you say that most of the time you were on this combo you were using peptidepros or Peptidesciences?
Im planning on using IPA at 200-300mcg per night and have to figure the amount for CJC because it has DAC so I only need to inject 2x week...
1. I don't store my BAC water in the fridge; remains in a draw at room temp; interesting about the cold water shock, I can imagine it being true but also not. :)

2. All orders of this cjc and ipa combo have been from peptidepros, but not because Peptidesciences proved lower quality, just that peptidepros had some deals at the time and interactions with their customer service were impressive; peptidesciences advertises as all USA made and has a large following as well.

3. I assume your Dr write you a prescription for ipa at Empower? I'm thinking that is the best bet for quality assurance, eh? I haven't been to a Dr in 8 years and feel better than ever, but I know I'm missing out on certain benefits.

4. From my notes on Oxytocin: 2mg vial; 2mL bacteriostatic water; 5-10 units on the syringe; I believe 10 units in 100mcg as 1 unit = 10mcg.

Oxytocin is interesting, and I don't use it all of the time, as I don't want to start "needing" it so to speak; orgasm is fine without it, but Oxytocin certainly adds an extra feeling to the peak. Best way to describe it is an "powerful intense internal feeling throughout the body". I think I read in my research that the shaft has oxytocin receptors among other parts of the body as well. Men actually produce their own oxytocin during sex while women more so after sex. One way to know if the product is quality is if one gets hot flush in the face for about 10 min after injecting; gotta start off in small doses as it cause bring on a headache during that initial period if dose is too high. And, BAC water and keeping it in the fridge keeps it active for over a month at least. A nasal spray is also available but doesn't seem to work as well and doesn't remain in the system as long.

5. I haven't read much on CJC DAC so no advice on that one.
If you don't mind sharing this as well, what is your dose and frequency with oxytocin?

I realized that I didn't answer your frequency question. I'd say out 1 out of 5 times. For example, if my wife and I are on the 4th consecutive day of sex, and the desire is strong but usually the orgasm won't be as strong on day 4 as day 1, so boom, 5-10 units. But after a few days of no sex, the pleasure will be high on it's own for a few straight days so no oxytocin. My goto is always the natural way first. Plus, the brain is the #1 sex muscle, and if I'm really aroused, the orgasm will be top notch on it's own.

The advice on here is good for those men having challenges with orgasm and and performance, many times, not all, but many times it's the level of emotional connection with their partner, especially as one ages. And of course, the stronger the bond, the more natural oxytocin will probably be released. So in conclusion, for me, oxytocin is more of a treat than the norm.
long time lurker here. was just thinking how i miss the long gone datbtrue forum. i suspect many here were frequent posters on dat's board.

grateful for excelmale too. beyond the forum, i have participated in some of the professional webinars Nelson and peers have provided on peptides and other wellness topics.

GH peptides are awesome but so many fail to get the administration right and never get the pulse they aspired. i believe GH peptides are an awesome means to drop that last 2% BF provided you are already in the zone and looking for a bump.

i need to lean out following the shelter-in-place restrictions at my gym and also a sloppy diet. i am planning to get a GH peptide cycle started next week.
Admittedly, calculating mcg from mL and units gets my mind in knots, so this comes from a YouTube vid and confirmed from friends who have minds for conversions. In this case, I have 4mg vial = 2mg each of cjc and ipa; I add in BAC water = to half the mg vial, so 2mg water. Every 5 units on an insulin syringe = 100 mcg of content. But since my vial is a combo, I say 10 units is 100mcg of cjc and 100mcg of ipa. I go to 15 units, so 150mcg of each. I think this is correct. haha.

I've ordered from peptidesciences.com one time and peptidepros.net many times. Both are reputable and a good choice if a compounding pharmacy isn't an option.

I buy 9 4mg cjc + ipa vials at a time; goal is 5 days/week but since it's better on an empty stomach, I skip some days if I eat too late or want a late night protein shake and then go to bed before 2 hours elapse. This is a guess, but I think maybe my vials go for around 2 months. I only take at night; others repeat upon waking up but can't eat for at least 30 min after injecting.
I'm sure you are aware that the vials from those 2 companies state "notcfor hima
It concerns me. As long as I can get it from a US pharmacy that IS fit for human consumption, I wouldn't even consider getting it elsewhere. But that's just me.
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