Hi, I am having some issues with testosterone. Been trying to catch the right balance of E2 for over 6 months and no luck yet. I been constantly testing it when I have symptoms of high or low, and so if I go to the lab and the results come back and says 50-60 pg then I know it is high and take anaztrozole tried initially at 0.50mg but then lowered it as I crashed my E2 multiple times, but even If I take 0.25mg anaztrozole like 2 or just 3 times a week and I go and test again, it comes at like 4-5 pg, then I stop anaztrozole and it goes high again eventually like in a week, but in the meantime my libido and night wood is so weak that I feel at any level of E2 it is working for me? - I would expect that if E2 is going up or down, I would feel good sometime in between, or maybe it changes so fast that my body does not get time to react?
Please help from experienced guys controlling E2.
Please help from experienced guys controlling E2.