Did you have low t before you went on? You absolutely can get off if you want just stop no need to do anything else. 99% of the time everything goes back to normal eventually. Give it 2-3 months and assess your blood work.
No, for people with normal levels that just chose to use trt.Ninety-nine percent of the time it "goes back to normal?" If one was hypogonadal, you are claiming that a patient can stop TRT and return to...what exactly? His PRE-TRT, rock bottom levels? That may be the case, but few would consider that something to look forward to. In far too many cases, endogenous production of testosterone having been suppressed, it may well require assistance to even achieve that state.
If you make the decision to either stop of continue, please keep us updated on how it goes.KI have been on test cypionate for 6 months. I read here that it is a lifelong commitment. Can I get off now? How? what damage has been done? Thanks.
Shit testosterone levels are also a lifetime commitment.
Outstanding observation.
Testosterone serum >1500 range 348-1197
Free 23.0 rang 7-24
Estradiol, sensitive 42.8 range 8-35
I found out today that I have been taking too much testosterone! Cypionate 40 mg twice a week, I have been taking 80mg twice a week. (with this low of a dosage I wonder if I really need it at all?
HCG 50 units twice a week.
anastrozole .20 mg one pill twice a week.
Dhea 50 mg daily.
I stopped the Anastrozole and dhea three weeks ago because of ED issues. Things have got a little better in that area. I was shocked that the test was so high, and the Estradiol. I am going to start taking the proper dosage, and take the other meds to get the Estradiol in range and see what happens. I will get the blood work done once a month to monitor.
I don't have a prescription for any ED meds.
Estradiol, sensitive 42.8 range 8-35
Prime said:I found out today that I have been taking too much testosterone! Cypionate 40 mg twice a week, I have been taking 80mg twice a week. (with this low of a dosage I wonder if I really need it at all?
Prime said:HCG 50 units twice a week.
Prime said:anastrozole .20 mg one pill twice a week.
Dhea 50 mg daily.
I stopped the Anastrozole and dhea three weeks ago because of ED issues. Things have got a little better in that area. I was shocked that the test was so high, and the Estradiol.
Your E2 is just a touch high, but not terrible.
Ok, this is a little confusing. You were taking 80mg BIW, but now you're taking 40mg BIW...is this correct?
Again...confusing. Do you mean 500IUs BIW?
Ok, so what you're telling us is that you've changed a total of 3 things (all at once) on your protocol...correct? Seriously, you need some professional help. By professional help, I mean a Doctor that knows what he's doing, and can guide you step by step to a successful protocol...because you don't have a clue what you're doing.
When you make adjustments to your protocol, you do ONE THING at a time, and follow up with labs 5-6 weeks later to actually see what's happening. With you changing 3 things, you're not going to know what caused what to change...you'll only be guessing.
As a final note, do you have any pre-TRT bloodwork you can post up?
Testosterone serum >1500 range 348-1197
Free 23.0 rang 7-24
Estradiol, sensitive 42.8 range 8-35
I found out today that I have been taking too much testosterone! Cypionate 40 mg twice a week, I have been taking 80mg twice a week. (with this low of a dosage I wonder if I really need it at all?
HCG 50 units twice a week.
anastrozole .20 mg one pill twice a week.
Dhea 50 mg daily.
I stopped the Anastrozole and dhea three weeks ago because of ED issues. Things have got a little better in that area. I was shocked that the test was so high, and the Estradiol. I am going to start taking the proper dosage, and take the other meds to get the Estradiol in range and see what happens. I will get the blood work done once a month to monitor.
I don't have a prescription for any ED meds.