Can HCG make your penis grow?

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read that at high doses of hCG for a long period of time,
Your leyiding receptor die.
so I want to make sure that I'm safe injecting hCG.
perhaps only in Poland are so afraid of hcg.
leyidin receptor exogenous testosterone is produced, because the inquires.

small penis is 12cm
read that at high doses of hCG for a long period of time,
Your leyiding receptor die.
so I want to make sure that I'm safe injecting hCG.
perhaps only in Poland are so afraid of hcg.
leyidin receptor exogenous testosterone is produced, because the inquires.

small penis is 12cm

Djker, I really don't think there is anything that'll make your penis grow any more. You must be over your puberty years.
I was at a new endocrinologist prescribed me clomi 1/2 tab every day for two months,
said that I had delayed puberty
I would try the hcg but I am afraid for my leyiding receptor
That study showed that 1500 units of hCG three times a week increased penile growth by .8 inches

I would just follow the dose in that study and not make up anything different.
Hi, Nelson found a doctor who prescribed hCG me to grown my penis, I take hcg 5000ui once a week for 18 weeks.
It plans to persuade him to reduce the dose to 2000ui 3 times a week.
So far, my penis has grown 1cm.
The only problem is gynecomastia.

Nelson, what do you think ???
@dj: My experience with hCG may or may not be relevant to your situation. You have unique concerns in that you stated you wish not to impact LH FSH too much. Only testing will answer how varying doses affect your serum levels. Concern for permanent harm is justified with all drug and hormone use HOWEVER I have come to believe, after research and personal experience, that hCG us is safe even at higher doses.

I no longer subscribe to the as yet unproven theory that leydig cells can be damaged by hCG. **There is no research on human subjects that supports this widely circulated internet rumor**

Suggested hCG dosing ranges from 100 iu/day to 12,000 iu per week. 4,000 iu 3x week is mentioned on the APP package insert for "select cases of male hypoG" That is what I was prescribed. I am not suggesting this or any other dose for you. After doing extensive research on the subject -IMO- 1500 - 2000 i.u. 3x weekly should not cause any concern other than Gyno. Doses less than that are generally considered fertility maintenance doses rather than for mono treatment of hypoG. Estrogen surges are very common with hCG. Monitored use of an AI will likely be required. A diet friendly to testosterone production and estrogen elimination is recommended. Consider the half life in your body.

Purity of hCG varies. There is more than one form of hCG. I do not know if any of the forms mentioned here would be present in your sourced product

@gene: You have far more experience in HRT than I, however I respectfully disagree with point (1) as a reason to avoid dosing 1,500-2,000 i.u. which op mentions. On point (2), what is your concern with intra (within) testicular levels of estrogen? He can still prevent Gyno and other harmful effects of hyperestrogenism. Finally, I find no human studies that support your claim that "500 i.u. is the optimum amount for the testes to function properly"

Here's why this is dose is not a good idea:

1. Down regulation and desensitization of leydig receptor cells resulting in lower endogenous testosterone production
2. Increased levels of intratesticular estrogen which an AI is largely ineffective in managing
3. Increased levels of estrogen levels...period

Men have a given amount of leydig cell receptors so there is only so much of the peptide that will be effective. This is not a "if some is good more is better" fact, like testosterone, it's the opposite.

Most well trained Docs in TRT know that any dose over 500 units is a waste and some even go so far as to say 350 units is the optimal amount for the testes to function properly.

Just my $0.02.

Completely agree with a suggested clarification.

"...I no longer subscribe to the as yet unproven theory that leydig cells can be damaged by hCG. **There is no research on human subjects that supports this widely circulated internet rumor**"

There is TONS of research and YEARS of clinical record of THOUSANDS of men prescribed what we would call very high dose HCG. Yet despite this large body of data, Leydig cell desensitization has NEVER BEEN SEEN IN HUMANS.

HCG as an adjunct to Testosterone supplementation has only a few years history yet most or all of us understand and believe in its merits. HCG for fertility treatment and hypogonadic therapy is many decades old yet the TRT crowd treats those methods with scepticism and disdain thanks to the bogeyman of Leydig cell densitization.

Practicioners have reported cases where HCG effects slow, stop, or don't work at all, but it's never been reported - ever - that HCG induced Leydig cell desensitization was the cause.

To all: Please prove otherwise or help put this myth to rest!
ok, I'm talking about a more optimal dose for me.
The use of hCG comes to raise testosterone to the highest level.
But when I use 5000ui dose once a week, it can occur estrogen declines and begin to grow. By which I gynecomastia.

I think the most optimal dose is just 3 times a week for 1500ui.

For this test, 1 week and monitoring estrogen.
If needed, apply IA.
Hi djkero. I have a problem similar with yours. So did you take the hcg on that dosage 1500-200ui p/week?? It worked?
(Sorry for my english) I'm about to create a thread about my experience. After I found this thread created by djkero and then saw some studies, I am almost convinced that the hcg has increased my penis.
No difference

Hey, Nelson. Sorry for my english. I will try to be more direct as possible. Some time ago i find this thread "Can HCG make your penis grow?". A got really interested because this problem (small penis) was and is a very problem for me. In this thread also you put the link of the article "Penile Growth in Response to Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) Treatment in Patients with Idiopathic Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism" wich gave me more confidence that HCG was the responsible when my penis grew 1.5 cm. I don't have sure because i used others substances at the time like testosterone, oxandrolone, stanozolol, nandro, all of this to try increase my penis. But was after the use of all these substances when my hormonal axis and my testicles where "dead" then i tried to fix something with HCG high doses like the doses of the study above, i remember that i take shots of 5000 UI in two or three days tops. I used HCG in that way for less time than the time of the study. I just know that it was at the time of the use of HCG high dosage that i notice my penis bigger, then I verified measuring.

This was 4 years ago, now my hormonal axis are better. I really want to try use only HCG this time like the way of the study above. High doses 2 or 3 times week, may be some bigger shots like 5000 UI some days. For a maximum of 8 weeks.

But i'm really concerned about bad colateral effects. I know that the last time i used a lot of others substances plus HCG, and this time will be HCG only, but as i research i saw that bad things probably will happen like hormonal imbalances and testicles problems.

Another thing that concerns me is that i'm taking Lexapro 10mg for anxiety now and I am afraid that HCG (in the dosages of study) can interfere with the heart, vascular part, electric signal of the heart etc. The Lexapro leaflet talks a lot about this cardiac part so I worry about it.

So i wonder if you can help me with this thing by indicating me means for my hormones to recover at the end of the process and also preventing problems during the process like gynecomastia for example. Maybe making use of serms or AI's.

Or indicating me some doctor online who can accompany me in this process.
@Rus and @djkero - what was the end result? How much did your penis grow, at what age, and what was your hcg dose?

Update: I found a study that included adults up to age 35. They had IHH hypogonadism. Their penis still grew (and they even got taller) after a year on high dose hcg 3000iu three times per week and clomid 25mg daily. Seems promising for those well past the “growth age” as long as they have secondary hypogonadism.
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