I had episodes of that three years ago but never found out what caused it. I thought I had an autoimmune disorder. There is one that can cause similar issues but I think this issue is much more common than the autoimmune problem.
Red Ear Syndrome (RES) is a very rare disorder, with approximately 100 published cases in the medical literature. Red ear (RE) episodes are characterised by unilateral or bilateral attacks of paroxysmal burning sensations and reddening of the ...
That article says it’s extremely rare, but there are ******** and other groups and it’s definitely a lot more common than is documented. I think a lot of the time it involves cervical spine issues or perhaps nerve issues, similar to what happens to people who suffer from trigeminal neuralgia. For some people the ears get so hot that it’s painful. Mine never got that bad, but when it first started it was way worse in the middle of the night. I would wake up occasionally with ears inflamed to the point of itching. That aspect made me think there is a hormonal aspect to it because of the fluctuations and increases overnight(wasn’t on trt at the time). In my case I hurt my neck in the gym and was dealing with that during the summer, and also probably spending way too much time in the sun playing tennis and other activities(which may have also caused excess vitamin d issues). Somehow I guess that overwhelmed my body and threw some aspects of it out of whack, whether it was hormonal, nerve(from the neck issue), inflammation from lifting and excess sun, temperature regulation getting out of whack due to extreme heat consistently, vitamin issues, or a combination of some/all and/or something else I don’t really know. Sorry I can’t be more helpful, but like I said there are lots of groups out there that discuss it and it’s more common than you think. Mine died down over time. I did do an AIP diet for a month to try to reduce inflammation and just tried to let my body recover which seemed to help a lot. Now I don’t have any issues. I guess the main takeaway is that our bodies are really really complex and crazy. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
I was reading that article last night. Yeah, it seems this is more common than reported. Here's some other random facts, in case anyone else is dealing with this:
1. I noticed this flared up again after I overdosed on vitamin B3 (niacin) last year (which normally causes flushing). I guess that b3 is out of my system, but the burning ears persist.
2. As I mentioned, I got kicked by a cow and thrown several feet. The cow kicked me in the back of the head on my left side, my neck, and come to think of it, my ear.
3. I have a bad neck and back (stenosis), so it could be that, but if I remember right, my type of stenosis should only affect my arms and hands.
4. In my case testosterone exacerbates it. Especially if I missed a couple injections and I'm low, and then do a shot.
5. My blood pressure is normal. While my A1C is ok but could be better (5.5).
6. My blood counts are normal.
7. I also have autoimmune issues (hashimoto's, arthritis). My ESR, CRP, and TPO Abs are sometimes elevated.
8. I grind my teeth a lot, but I don't have TMJ as far as I know.
That's about all I can think of.