Blood test results


New Member
So the doc aked for bloods to betaken, the results came back that my cholestorol was high, the doc arranged for me to see the nurse for a "healthy heart check". I went today (already frustrated because talking therapies hadnt rang me) and the nurse said what are you here for? i said a healthy heart check, she replies you cant you have to be 40! im like right well the doc said thats what i needed to do. so she makes me feel tiny so so tiny because im at an appointment im not old enough for! she does general checks bp, pulse, weight and sends me away with loads of books to read. my records show how old i am so why do poeple make simple mistakes like sending me to something im to young for!
That is sad, but not at all surprising. You need a new doctor that will treat you as a partner in your future health instead of treating you like you are in-line at the DMV.

Are you on, or thinking about TRT? If so, give Defy Medical a call. A great many of us on the forum use them and highly recommend.
That is sad, but not at all surprising. You need a new doctor that will treat you as a partner in your future health instead of treating you like you are in-line at the DMV.

Sad indeed. I can just hear the nurse telling him, "you're not supposed to be're too young. Here, read this literature...NEXT!!" image.webp

Raymond, why were you having your blood drawn? Was it for a general physical, or was it to get checked for low testosterone?

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