Are We Better Than Before?

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Since the goal for those of us on TRT is to maintain the hormonal profile of a young man in his early twenties, once we achieve that objective, do we not have an advantage over that same young man who is natural?

I'm basing this speculation on the fact that we as TRT patients can maintain our testosterone levels via exogenous application and therefore we are less susceptible to internal hormonal fluctuations due to illness, over exercise, lack of sleep, stress etc. What say you?
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I think that somebody older than me, I am 34, with everything dialed in would be much better than a man his own age with low t and not doing trt. I am better than before in some ways, body composition mainly and bloodwork, but until I am dialed in, I am still lagging behind a man my same age.
I would say in an ideal situation you may be true.....but.....we can also get sick, metabolize differently etc. plus most guys I know never hit ideal nor maintain it long term without adjustment. Also many of us even with good numbers still struggle with sexual function
I would say in an ideal situation you may be true.....but.....we can also get sick, metabolize differently etc. plus most guys I know never hit ideal nor maintain it long term without adjustment. Also many of us even with good numbers still struggle with sexual function

True, we do still experience life stress, however we are able to maintain high levels of testosterone via injections/gels, whereas 21 year old males not on TRT would experience a temporary decline in endogenous testosterone levels when under the same stress. So in theory this should give us a "hormonal leg up" on the young whippersnappers.
True, we do still experience life stress, however we are able to maintain high levels of testosterone via injections/gels, whereas 21 year old males not on TRT would experience a temporary decline in endogenous testosterone levels when under the same stress. So in theory this should give us a "hormonal leg up" on the young whippersnappers.

Not to mention the expanded confidence, experience, know-how that simply getting older gives most of us. Can say.."never want to be in my 20's again - too crazy and confused" but " sure would like to feel physically like my 20's.
Not to mention the expanded confidence, experience, know-how that simply getting older gives most of us. Can say.."never want to be in my 20's again - too crazy and confused" but " sure would like to feel physically like my 20's.

I agree Rob, having the body of a 21 year old with the experience and wisdom of a man over 40 is a killer combination!
All I know is that without TRT I would be dead and would have not written two books and achieved much in my life (plus of course, having fun in the sack and keeping my body in shape at 55)
All of the above are true. I will add that I'm 60 now (1/4/1954) and the advantages that I have are all in my mind. It is called attitude. I go to the gym to do my training, not to talk or to use my cell etc....But I recognize that without the TRT and the knowledge I have now I wouldn't be the same. But I got to the point tha if I can't see ok I will use glasses, if I can't hear ok I will use a hearing aid and if I'm low on T I will use TRT.
Don't get me wrong TRT has definitely helped me.....I feel much better and physically I look excellent for someone ready to turn 50. That said still have up and down days and still have challenges with libido and ED. Really expected that it would be super human and honestly it's more like human with an edge

Given the choice I would take 20 again, fresh start and health without issue.......only choice to not getting old is being I'll take getting older.....with TRT though :)
All I know is that without TRT I would be dead and would have not written two books and achieved much in my life (plus of course, having fun in the sack and keeping my body in shape at 55)

Exactly how I feel. My pit tumor took me down to a 59 T level, which I don't recommend to anyone. TRT saved my life, without question. Double nickle's a great age Nelson!
Don't get me wrong TRT has definitely helped me.....I feel much better and physically I look excellent for someone ready to turn 50. That said still have up and down days and still have challenges with libido and ED. Really expected that it would be super human and honestly it's more like human with an edge

Given the choice I would take 20 again, fresh start and health without issue.......only choice to not getting old is being I'll take getting older.....with TRT though :)

Dear superDutyDave, I got you from the start.
Let me just share part of my story. I just turned 66 struggling with the issue of low Testosterone since age of 55. Most probably, as a result of the need to consum evry day since 54 TKI medications, to deal with CML (a type of leukemia).
Along the road, I was also diagnosed with localized prostate cancer PC.
(More and more medications of TKI type are in use now for different cancers and other conditions interfering with endocrine systems as side effect)
During years of being not treated, I was "dead" as you . I had to stop working, became osteoporotic with damaged bone and cartilage, suffering from pain and other issues.
TRT not only improved my physical condition it even improved my PC marker, PSA . Contrary to the medical dogma, that TRT is contraindicated in PC condition. PCs are not all equals.
I would like to stress how much ignorance, misconceptions and low knowledge exist out there among the medical community on TRT treatment and the way to follow-up correctly the treated person. Testimonial is just for my own place. I learned a lot from you guys and especially from Nelson 's work. I am thinking how to bring this knowledge to those untreated anonymous men, who are not active as me, challenging MD, learning and struggling, the hard way how to bring themselves back from the "dead" state, back to normal, to fit their age.
I am a chemist, worked for many years in drug development mostly oriented for the global markets, USA and EP. It has been easier for me, just 8 y to start TRT from the first blood test, showing low T. Imagine what it would be for the average person who is not well informed who just rely on what they are told by their physicians'.
I mention the above information, in order that guys, wherever they are, in one of my conditions, CML or confined PC suffering from low T symptoms, find their way to the right MD to address their condition.
I am contained with being&feeling 66.

Happy New Year to all of you! :o
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