I'm 26 and on trt. I started out at 320ng/dl and 9 days after my 3rd injection I was at 560-580 (don't remember which, need to get copies of the blood work). I went in originally for lack of energy and sex drive. These symptoms still seem prominent, even though my test is at a decent level. I thought more test was probably the answer since I've seen videos on trt clinics that will peak guys to like 1200ng/dl so they don't crash between pins. The more I read about shbg, the more I worry that the issue isn't test levels. I don't have my blood work on hand so I don't know if that was even checked or where I'm at on the scale. I'm currently on 200mg testosterone cyp every 2 weeks. For what it's worth, I have a pretty tough work life that could be affecting things as well. I work 12-16 hour days in a mine, 5+ days a week. I guess I expected a night and day difference on testosterone, but it doesn't seem to have made much of a difference. I have noticed that if I wake up early it is a little easier for me to stay awake instead of going back to sleep, but I don't really feel more energetic. I read about guys with low shbg comparing injecting test to saline, doesn't seem to do anything. I'm really worried that I'm in this boat. I'm newly married and this is affecting my relationship with my wife. Just looking for opinions right now or any input until I get copies of my blood work. Thanks
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