Okay, its been an eventful one. I apologize for what is surely to become a long post.
I made 1 post here prior just as i was starting out, and now im ~3 months in, a few lab results in - and I feel like im finally getting closer. A quick recap, im 36 and was a poster child for almost ALL low t symptoms. My blood work came back at 195 TT with an SHBG of 55. I was prescribed 200mg/wk of tcyp.
I started out by splitting the dose and as one would imagine, felt great at first. Then I fell off a cliff. I blew up like a balloon, sex drive went back to nil etc etc. I was impatient and didnt take into consideration my body needed time to adjust and quickly requested an AI from the doc due to ankle water retention among other things.
This went away, due to either my body acclimating or the AI, maybe both. I really dont know. After 6 weeks I was referred to an endo. She didnt even run my E2 so all I saw were my levels. I came back at 1106 total test and 188 free. I quickly left her for a multitude of reasons and my GP agreed to simply continue treating me.
He was happy with the levels and so we went for another 6 weeks. I self lowered my dose to 160mg split into 2x80mg injections. I wanted to bring my T down in an effort to perhaps eliminate the presumed need for an AI, and i noticed my BP increasing where it used to be perfect. (on bad days my systolic was as high as 144, diastolic was always good, and my resting heart rate was obnoxious ~90)
One of the largest issues I needed to address to feel good, was my libido. I wasnt having much luck in this area, nor was I getting any type of consistent morning wood. I kept my T dose the same and began tinkering with AI. I noticed that when id increase the dose to .5 twice a week, I'd get my wood back, then id lose it again, so id drop the AI. I'd get my wood back, then I'd lose it again. I hypothesized I had to be overshooting. I began taking .25 eod and 80mg twice weekly of testosterone. This has had the best results for me so far, but it wasnt right away. Took weeks before things started to feel a little better. (still nowehere near id like unfortunately). That plus the fact I got emotional at the end of a stupid cartoon, I assumed my E2 had to still be really high but I wasnt going to go blind any longer so I requested bloods.
I'm now here looking for advice on moving forward. My goals are to increase my darned libido, and ideally stop my hematocrit from increasing any further, maybe even lower it and/or help my bp down. I heard a lot of high shbg guys say they felt better on weekly injections, and I was intending to make the swap, but based on the following labs i'll be linking - the treatment has actually driven my SHBG down to 33. I dont think this is really considered high anymore? It makes sense as at injection time your Test will be much higher so your likely to feel its effects more pronounced, coupled with what I assume may be better libido due to fluctating hormones throughout the week. (going off the fact that as often as i changed my AI is as often as I got morning wood lol).
I really dont know, hence my being here. What would you guys advise? Do i need to be concerned about my hematocrit where it is now? Its risen from ~48 just before i started to where it is now. What about my cholesterol readings? Should i continue on my twice weekly and drop another 20mg a week? Or should I go to weekly and keep injection at 160? E2 seems on point at .25 eod, how will dropping my dose 20mg (if thats suggested, effect that dosage?)
FWIW my labs were taken on Saturday morning and I do my 2nd injection saturday evening. It did fall on an arimidex dose day which I take in the mornings, and i skipped until I gave blood.
here are the labs and thanks for any time and help!
EDIT: in case anyone is wondering, i requested the sensitive assay which I assume is what I got as theres a notation after the reading if you click the link mentioning the The Elecsys Estradiol assay? Says adult male <39
I made 1 post here prior just as i was starting out, and now im ~3 months in, a few lab results in - and I feel like im finally getting closer. A quick recap, im 36 and was a poster child for almost ALL low t symptoms. My blood work came back at 195 TT with an SHBG of 55. I was prescribed 200mg/wk of tcyp.
I started out by splitting the dose and as one would imagine, felt great at first. Then I fell off a cliff. I blew up like a balloon, sex drive went back to nil etc etc. I was impatient and didnt take into consideration my body needed time to adjust and quickly requested an AI from the doc due to ankle water retention among other things.
This went away, due to either my body acclimating or the AI, maybe both. I really dont know. After 6 weeks I was referred to an endo. She didnt even run my E2 so all I saw were my levels. I came back at 1106 total test and 188 free. I quickly left her for a multitude of reasons and my GP agreed to simply continue treating me.
He was happy with the levels and so we went for another 6 weeks. I self lowered my dose to 160mg split into 2x80mg injections. I wanted to bring my T down in an effort to perhaps eliminate the presumed need for an AI, and i noticed my BP increasing where it used to be perfect. (on bad days my systolic was as high as 144, diastolic was always good, and my resting heart rate was obnoxious ~90)
One of the largest issues I needed to address to feel good, was my libido. I wasnt having much luck in this area, nor was I getting any type of consistent morning wood. I kept my T dose the same and began tinkering with AI. I noticed that when id increase the dose to .5 twice a week, I'd get my wood back, then id lose it again, so id drop the AI. I'd get my wood back, then I'd lose it again. I hypothesized I had to be overshooting. I began taking .25 eod and 80mg twice weekly of testosterone. This has had the best results for me so far, but it wasnt right away. Took weeks before things started to feel a little better. (still nowehere near id like unfortunately). That plus the fact I got emotional at the end of a stupid cartoon, I assumed my E2 had to still be really high but I wasnt going to go blind any longer so I requested bloods.
I'm now here looking for advice on moving forward. My goals are to increase my darned libido, and ideally stop my hematocrit from increasing any further, maybe even lower it and/or help my bp down. I heard a lot of high shbg guys say they felt better on weekly injections, and I was intending to make the swap, but based on the following labs i'll be linking - the treatment has actually driven my SHBG down to 33. I dont think this is really considered high anymore? It makes sense as at injection time your Test will be much higher so your likely to feel its effects more pronounced, coupled with what I assume may be better libido due to fluctating hormones throughout the week. (going off the fact that as often as i changed my AI is as often as I got morning wood lol).
I really dont know, hence my being here. What would you guys advise? Do i need to be concerned about my hematocrit where it is now? Its risen from ~48 just before i started to where it is now. What about my cholesterol readings? Should i continue on my twice weekly and drop another 20mg a week? Or should I go to weekly and keep injection at 160? E2 seems on point at .25 eod, how will dropping my dose 20mg (if thats suggested, effect that dosage?)
FWIW my labs were taken on Saturday morning and I do my 2nd injection saturday evening. It did fall on an arimidex dose day which I take in the mornings, and i skipped until I gave blood.
here are the labs and thanks for any time and help!
EDIT: in case anyone is wondering, i requested the sensitive assay which I assume is what I got as theres a notation after the reading if you click the link mentioning the The Elecsys Estradiol assay? Says adult male <39