Hello all, Let me introduce myself. I am 56 years old with 6 years of TRT behind me. I am a lifelong fitness enthusiast that has included weight training and running. Never have missed a week of training since the age of 20. At the age of 50 after completing a 100 mile race my testosterone had dipped into the low 300 and I began TRT therapy. My body composition is very good, very low body fat and lots of muscle. The last 6 months i have swapped to a ketogenic diet and my total testosterone has jumped to over 1900 and my free over 350. I only take 140mg/week divided in 2 doses along with 200iu twice a week. never have used an AI. I feel great, always have had high levels of free and total test but it just keeps going up with my new diet protocol. The saturated fat and reduction in carbs are making a definitive change in my testosterone and body fat levels. Has anyone else had this result? I may have to reduce my weekly dosage.