18 year old Hypogondism


New Member
Hi everyone, I am new to this website,

I apologize for posting something so long.

To keep it short, a few moths ago I noticed symptoms of low testosterone that I never had before. I experience brain fog, fatigue, decrease in libido, and a slight decrease in erection hardness. I went from having rock hard morning wood to having hardly any at all. I have also been working out for a year and have seen no improvements at all. I am only 18 years old and having these symptoms is very troubling to say the least so I got my levels checked (9.00 am) which led to more tests which are all listed below. Also I do not have a pituitary tumor and I've had a multicystic right kidney since I was born and it has never became a problem to my knowledge although there is a clear link between a multicystic dysplastic kidney and kallmans syndrome, but I don't think I have Kallmans becase I can smell.

Total testosterone 1st time 126, second time 338, third time 250
free testosterone in the 8-11 range
LH is 1.6 (1.5-9.3)
fsh 3 (1.3-19.3)
Dhea 12 (Under 6.6)
dheas 319 (unknown reference range)
prolactin 23 (4-15.2)
tsh 1st time 3.9 second time 5.1 (.5-4.3)
free t3 3.55 (1.80-4.60)
free t4 1.2 (.9-1.8 )
androstenedione 80 (Unknown reference range)
IGF1 436 (137-461)
hydroxyprogesterone 69 (27-199)
growth hormone .25 (Unknown)
angiotensin 36 (Unknown reference ranges)
shbg 21 (unknown)
cortisol 20 (unknown)
iron 47 (45-165)
ferritin 50 (30-400)
Magnesium 1.8 (1.6-2.4)
B12 425 (Over 200)
Serum Folate (my result was over 18) Lab range is over 4.6
Zinc 69 (56-134)
Sodium 141 (135-146)
Potassium 4.5 (3.5-5.3)
Iodine 35 (40-92)
Calcium 9.7 (8.4-10.4)
Albumin 4.2 (3.5-5)
Glucose 98 (65-99)

(all bloodwork was done before starting thyroid meds).
Since my tsh was high (even though T3 and T4 levels are fine) my doctor started me on NP Thyroid 15 mg.My high tsh might indicate hypothyroidism although free t3 and t4 don't seem to be out of range, so maybe the hypothyroidism is lowering my LH. I also have ruled out hashimotos thyroiditis with. Also my high dhea might indicate and overproduction of the adrenal glands which could be compensating due to a problem, but the more stable test (DHEAS for stored DHEA) came back relatively normal I think. Also my iron levels, zinc levels, magnesium levels, and b12 levels are all on the low range, but I eat pretty healthy and I eat a lot so this might indicate poor absorption of these vital minerals (possibly leaky gut). Also, from age 15 to 17 I put on about five pounds a year and from 17 to 18 I put on 35 pounds while attempting to bulk up but most of it was fat and I really didn't eat much more than past years. I have also noticed that even in my natural state, I am very alert and somewhat anxious/stressed, which could point to an adrenal issue even though my cortisol was relatively normal. I also have no pituitary tumors. I also might have a hidden varicocele but I would assume that would cause more primary hypogonadism The combination of high tsh, mildly high prolactin, poor absorption of minerals, mild weight gain, high stress even though I don't really have much stress in my life could easily be doing this, but I don't understand how everything is related or if it is related at all. I also have a slight pain in my left shoulder when I Move it upwards or flex is which is a sign of CLL but I doubt I have leukemia. I also occasionally have slight pain in my balls but I haven't had it recently. Also, sometimes after I masturbate (usually after having alcohol I have a slight painful sensation (feel like I need to pee but cant) which lasts about 30 minutes. I also occasionally (once a month) have the feeling that I need sugar or I will pass out but I usually drink Orange juice and feel better after a few minutes. Also that has been life long and doubt that has anything to do with this but thought I would write it down anyways.I also cut down alcohol use to once a week and marijuana to twice a week. I want to fix my testosterone issues naturally and find out the cause of this issue. In my opinion, the low testosterone is only a symptom of something greater that is going on in my body. Thanks for reading and any help or advice would be well appreciated. Even if you have a few theories that you aren't sure are true, write it down anyway as all help is welcome.
Mike, welcome to EM! I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of this stuff at such a young age! It's unfortunate, but the best thing you can do is 'educate' yourself on all the particulars that involve your situation.

There's lots of stuff on your post. I can't get into all the talking points, but I'll chime-in on the comments you made regarding the thyroid ... Here's a good first lesson with how most GP's will deal with thyroid issues. First, just know that basically 98% of people will fall somewhere in the zone with those reference ranges. Sadly, many doctors see that, call it "normal", and treat the number not the patient.

Now that you see your Free T3 and Free T4 results, take a look at where they fall in their reference range. Your FT3 is pushing at around 63% of the reference range, FT4 is in the 30sh% range. T4 is the reserves, that converts to FT3 and Reverse T3, the goal is that FT3 is resolved at the cellular level in the body. Various things are needed for T3 to reach the cells, including cortisol , iron, ferritin, some of the electrolytes. B12 & D3 deficiencies can also play a role in this if imbalanced. 'WHEN' someone presents their FT3 as being 63%, and FT4 at 30%, there's usually a 'good' chance that FT3 is 'Pooling', or not making it to the cells.

Your Iron serum result is dead nuts at the bottom (should be 120 or bit higher for T3 purposes), which is an additional marker to support this pooling suspicion (plus ferritin is down there too). It would be great to look at this further by obtaining a Reverse T3 lab, which would provide the RT3/FT3 ratio. Additionally, this also leads to a suspicion of autoimmune disorder. You stated that Hashis is ruled out. Did you run both TPO and TgAb labs? If so, can you post results? Many doctors seem to run one or the other, it's a bonus if they do both, which is needed to check it at both the enzyme and protein level.

To conclude, you mentioned you're taking 15mg of the NP. That's only a 1/4 grain, which is really, really a small amount. Possibly you're titrating up??
My thyroid perox ab (tpo) is 9 (0-26)
thyroglobulin AB it only says under 1.0 with a range from 0-.9
I have done lots of research and I think my high tsh could be cause by low iodine. Iodine directly affects the thyroid and if you dont have hashi's, supplementing with iodine boosts thyroid function almost undoubtably. Right now my protocol is 8-10,hours sleep, lots of pomegranate and orange juice, 15 mg np thyroid (which I wont need when iodine levels are optimal) meditation to decrease stress/cortisol, 8000mg vitamin D and coconut oil, zinc orotate 50, transdermal iodine, 5000mg b12, chlorophyll for copper, 20 mg ferrous gluconate (from floravix), lots of spinach for magnesium, and cayenne pepper and garlic. I also poop three times a day, not sure if that's weird. Do my blood tests suggest maybe an absorption issue such as leaky gut? Also, he never took my rt3 numbers although I will be taking a blood test in a few weeks to see how the NP thyroid has been affecting me and he put RT3 on the next prescription. Also, thanks for taking the time to respond. I really appreciate it.
Mike, I moved the thread from the "Introductions" section to "Blood Test Discussion". Hopefully some other members will chime in.

Has your doctor ordered any exams/MRI for your pituitary?
Can anyone help? The doctors I have mean well but they all said that hypothyroidism and low T are completely unrelated and one of the doctors doesn't even think I have a problem.
As Chris noted, it's a shame you have to sort all this out at the age of 18. As far as convincing doctors to take your complaints seriously, it's probably far more productive to consider finding a new doctor, a doctor who understand the complexities of your situation (and that certainly includes your age).

So, let me ask if you have the resources to seek care outside of your insurance coverage? I ask because it is likely that the people, medical professionals who can answer your questions and get you on the road to health, are unlikely to take insurance. The costs may not be as steep as you think. Just let us know where you live and what your situation is like.
My resources in terms of money are somewhat unknown. In terms of my own money, I have only about 200. If I can convince my parents that the doctors I have been dealing with are wrong, I may be able to get additional resources maybe 400 more. I live around the long island ny area but I can travel as far as three hours. So far I will get my stool tested for parasites, I will get a gut permeability test, I will lower my tsh through thyroid meds and iodine, I will meditate to decrease stress/cortisol to give adrenals a rest, I will get a scrotal sonogram, I will make sure I don't have any adrenal tumors, I will take 50mg zinc orotate, 2mg copper through chlorophyll, cayenne and garlic pills, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and I will eat healthier and get 8-10 hours of sleep. Hopefully I am not forgetting anything. Again thank you for your help and have a great night.
My resources in terms of money are somewhat unknown. In terms of my own money, I have only about 200. If I can convince my parents that the doctors I have been dealing with are wrong, I may be able to get additional resources maybe 400 more. I live around the long island ny area but I can travel as far as three hours. So far I will get my stool tested for parasites, I will get a gut permeability test, I will lower my tsh through thyroid meds and iodine, I will meditate to decrease stress/cortisol to give adrenals a rest, I will get a scrotal sonogram, I will make sure I don't have any adrenal tumors, I will take 50mg zinc orotate, 2mg copper through chlorophyll, cayenne and garlic pills, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and I will eat healthier and get 8-10 hours of sleep. Hopefully I am not forgetting anything. Again thank you for your help and have a great night.

Take a breath. What is your situation? Are you in school? Working? You mentioned your parents, are they supportive of your efforts to deal with this?

Im trying to understand what your situation is.
My parents are supportive and they understand its an issue but they dont think its a big issue. My dad thinks its mostly psychological. I think i could get 400 from them plus 200 from me sets my budget at 600. Currently I am a college student in upstate ny and i do not work.

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