Since he is giving you 2 vials at 6,000iu each (12,000iu), and your administered time frame is 10 days, I'd guess to say his protocol will be 1,200iu/day. He will probably have you add 5cc of bac water to the vial(s), but again, I'm just speculating based on the information you are providing.
I worked with a physician that did a similar program. However, he would do every 3 months, then 2 weeks of HCG mono-therapy. The thinking was that the body needed a break from the exogenous treatment of cypionate, and let the body recover by basically increasing serum levels via endogenous production from the testes, via the LH analog of HCG of course. It's kind of an old school concept, and I think some doctors feel complications can develop, and/or desensitization issues can occur by administering HCG continuously.
I can personally tell you that adding a small, steady amount of HCG in conjunction to a standard cypionate protocol works quite effectively. IMO, I didn't really see any advantage with this protocol. The 1x per week of cypionate at 1cc is going to tend to have higher spike rates in E2 and serum levels are going to fluctuate a bit more (based on peak values hit within 2 to 3 days.). 1x per week isn't the worse way to go, but you will probably find your program to be more stable and easier to manage by splitting your prescribed dosage into 2x per week.
Brian, this is just all based on experiences; both good and bad ... You can take our experiences, the positives and negatives, research more on your end, and that's just more information you have at your disposal as your program matures. Not knowing the status of your Leydig cells, and other variables such as E2, SHBG, and baseline values, I would highly encourage that you get follow up labs prior to the HCG transition, and I would further encourage another set of labs post therapy on your first HCG treatment.
You will obviously want to know how effective this protocol is, plus I would be curious if the HCG protocol would promote even higher rates of E2 in comparison to your cypionate protocol, whether due to downstream conversion and/or intra-testicular aromatization effected by endogenous production of testosterone.
Keep us posted, and let us know if you have any questions ...