water retention

  1. G

    Water Retention With Fine E2 Labs

    My most recent labs on 8mg daily test cyp. Total Testosterone 675 ng/dL 250-1100 Free Testosterone 162 pg/mL 35-155 Ultrasensitive Estradiol 32 pg/mL <29 Everything looks like exactly where we'd want it, except maybe the free T is a little high. But, compared to when my free T levels were at...
  2. A

    DHEA cures my libido but bloats me like crazy

    Basically title. DHEA levels came back low and started supplementing 25 mg nightly ( DEFY empower pharmacy ). Noticed a huge improvement in libido, but currently look like a bloated slob and confidence is shot. Gained 10 lbs in the two weeks since starting trt. 150 mg cyp/ week and .125 adex 2x...
  3. B

    Telmisartan and libido

    Hey guys so far i feel like am dialed in almost. Only thing is I started to take telmisartan for water retention and it works quite good. But somehow I feel like my mood and libido is not on point when I take it. I am not 100% sure if telmisartan is the reason. But which ARB works like...
  4. A

    Hands Swelling At Night

    For the past week or so I've been experiencing some notable swelling in my fingers when I lay down to sleep at night. It gets bad enough to where I wake up at night because my right hand is totally numb and then I have to awkwardly shift sleeping position. My protocol is currently 20 mg test C...
  5. E

    Weight Fluctuations TRT/HCG

    I was getting excited as my weight was going down and I was less puffy. But I've realized my weight is just so up and down day to day. Prior to TRT and HCG I was about 219 lbs, 16.5" arms. I worked out like a monster. With trt/hcg I went to 240. Strength went up drastically and my arms hit...
  6. J

    Dandelion Tea for water retention

    Hi there, Is dandelion tea a good idea to reduce water retention while on TRT? Are there other natural supplements that may be more efficacious? I have read that it can be lower testosterone - not sure if it is true as I couldn’t find a conclusive answer. Any suggestions with regards to a...
  7. C

    Another water retention issue

    I am 55 and in good shape but had a 358 ng/dl T level and a FT of .46 ng/dl. I started TRT in January. I was prescribed .5cc Cypionate per week and quickly felt much better. However, over the first 4 months, I gained about 13 lbs, my pants were tight, and my ankles swelled substantially. I then...
  8. J

    Adipsia/Complete Loss of Thirst + Skin Elasticity Changes

    To preface this, I've been on TRT at 200mg/wk, daily IM, for 8 weeks. I recently got labs and sodium, potassium, chloride and all blood markers came back within normal range. Before starting TRT, my thirst levels were normal and I didn’t have these… skin elasticity issues. I don't know exactly...
  9. T

    Tired and holding water

    Hi Guys, I started on trt in April and have been adjusting then doses to a final of 100 of test cyp at 2 shots of 50 a week every 3.5 days, to shots a week of Hcg at 500 each and a half mg of arimidex a week. All of my numbers are good my rbc, hemocrat, and hemoglobin, have all leveled out...
  10. D

    Pregnenolone to Combat Water Retention

    Hey guys, Been working on trying to reduce my water retention and seem to have hit a brick wall. My estrogen is not too inflated but believe that it may be causing some of my issues. After reading some threads on sodium/potassium ratios I cut out a large potion of my added salt and doubled my...
  11. S

    What are a few good first steps to reducing water retention?

    First, I'm not mad about the extra 20lbs I've put on since starting TRT 3 months ago. I needed it. Sadly, I assume most is water, and it's creeping up yet again. I've been reading stickies on here about cortisol and the options available, but I'm a little lost as to where to start. Can anyone...
  12. xqfq

    Could the ratio of progesterone to estradiol affect water retention in men on TRT?

    I've been doing reading on water retention on TRT and I'd like to discuss a hypothetical I haven't seen floated: that the ratio of progesterone to estradiol could play a role. This is a good post by Nelson: "Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol". The...
  13. R

    Water Retention and Rapid Weight Gain Caused by Testosterone

    I'm in my sixth week of treatment and have gained ~12 lbs of water weight (6'3" and have gone from 185 to 197) and have slight nipple sensitivity. My initial protocol was: .43 Testosterone, twice a week = 1.72 every two weeks (Using two week intervals to smooth out the results) .50 HCG, twice a...
  14. G

    TOT roundtable contradicting themselves once again

    So not trying to start anymore drama with the round table or anything, but I just can’t stand to see these guys contradict themselves like this. They all say that water retention is not a side effect of high E2, and that it’s either in our heads, has more to do with our diet, or it’s from the...
  15. K

    Could use a little advice..

    I posted a thread not long ago in the introductions forum regarding my being placed on TRT. My PCP started me out at 200mg/wk and did not give me arimidex or hcg, regardless of his experience or otherwise in the area, i think the consensus was to get me rolling and hand me off to an...
  16. K

    On TRT Water retention isnt going even with AI . Blood work done .

    I have been on TRT for 6 months . In the past six weeks I have put on a lot of water weight . Mainly around my stomach and chest. I then took arimidex 0.5 day after I injected after I noticed the influx of water . I believe 0.5 crashed my e2 as I was tired for a few days . More importantly...
  17. Nelson Vergel

    The role of aldosterone, acth, and renin in water retention and high blood pressure

    A frequent cause of high blood pressure and water retention is when levels of certain hormones in the body are unbalanced or functioning poorly. The hormones that are frequently at fault are secreted by the kidneys and the pituitary or adrenal glands. They are called aldosterone, ACTH, and renin...
  18. J

    New TRT and Weight-Water Gain - Normal?

    Prior to starting TRT two weeks ago I lost several pounds over several weeks. I was averaging about 1 pound per week due to eating clean and going to gym a few days per week. The week I started TRT I dialed in the nutrition even further by tracking macros in Fitness Pal and added a couple of...
  19. Nelson Vergel

    Nandrolone Increases Aldosterone Concentration and Serum Na+/K+ : Reasons for Bloating ?

    This study used nandrolone in animals. I bet this could translate to humans that experience water retention on TRT or anabolic steroids. Increased aldosterone causes water and sodium retention and high blood pressure. Effect of Administration of Nandrolone Decanoate upon Aldosterone...
  20. Nelson Vergel

    Water Retention Caused by Testosterone May Have Nothing to Do with Estradiol

    I get a lot of emails from men on testosterone replacement therapy (and/or HCG) that feel they have water retention (some with ankle swelling) and they are puzzled that their estradiol is low or below 35 micrograms/ml. They may have tried anastrozole treatment without any success in decreasing...
  21. Gianluca Bonetti

    Hot Flashes when E2 is low??

    Hi Guys, unfortunately my TRT hasn't been going well for several months now and really trying to figure things out with the Doc, so I had my last conversation with Doc Dr John Crisler not long time a go, my E2 levels on June was 27 pg/mL on a scale 8 to 35, last blood work LabCorp tested for...
  22. G

    Persistent water retention

    I've been on TRT since March or so. Protocol is stable shooting 20mg T + 150iu HCG ED, 0.125mg anastrozole EOD. For the past couple of months I have been struggling with water retention, about 8 lbs or so extra than normal. It is manifesting mostly in my neck and face although my pants feel a...
  23. G

    TRT water retention now showing in feet

    I'm going to give Defy a call tomorrow but in the meantime just wanted to educate myself a bit on this topic with your help. I started TRT a few months ago after an unsuccessful clomid run. My latest labs are in great shape and I'm feeling great. Reasonable trough T at 700-800, E2 at 35. But...
  24. B

    Anabolic Effects of TRT/HCG?

    Hey guys, So I started TRT about 4 weeks ago- Test Cyp 70mg + 400IU HCG 2x/week. So far fine-no major injection issues or anything. Possible experiential effects to date are mostly hard to pin down, except for some weight gain. I haven't been training as much recently (energy still sort of...
  25. Nelson Vergel

    Water Retention Caused by Anabolics and Testosterone

    I think Patrick Arnold makes a great point about a potential mechanism for edema that has nothing to do with elevated estradiol. People familiar with the use of anabolic steroids know that water retention and hypertension (high blood pressure) are potential side effects. This is due to the fact...
  26. O

    Water Retention from HCG

    I've been on TRT for years, combining test cyp, hcg, and arimidex. Back in May, I began developing the side effect of water retention from HCG. I was taking 500iu per week. My face would swell and my chest would swell as well, both very noticable. I eventually dropped the HCG and no longer have...
  27. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone induced water retention: Guide to Natural Diuretics

    I would like to find out if anyone has tried herbal diuretics. 15 Natural Diuretics: Herbs, Supplements, Foods, and Drinks https://examine.com/outcomes/leg-edema/ Horse Chestnut 3 Studies Participants: 297 Moderate Improvement Pycnogenol 3 Studies Participants: 835 Moderate Improvement...
  28. T

    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    I am on TRT for more than a year by now and I noticed that I have really ugly bags under one my eyes since half a year (not dark ring more of a red sack). Could that be a side effect of TRT like liquid retention or? If so what can I do to diminish that? Should also inform that I love drinking...