libido erections

  1. A

    Side effects of testosterone gel

    Hello all. My question is about the side effects of topical testosterone gel. I am 50 yo. I started using topical testosterone gel about 3 weeks ago. My dose is 20% testosterone gel -150 ml in AM. My tests were low prior to starting the dose. Since that time, I notice that my erections and...
  2. T

    15 nmol - not suitable for TRT

    Hi, I'm a 40 year old man, 178cm, 75kg. I do 4-5 sports a week. For the last 4-5 years my libido and interest in women has decreased, I have a problem to maintain muscle mass and I can't build new one. If I compare the libido 10 years ago, it's a drastic reduction. My energy intake is...
  3. G

    Libido Problem

    A little background info. I have a pituitary tumor, diagnosed in 2018. Been on TRT since 2019. On thyroid meds, and cortisol is ok. I've been taking HGH .4 once a day for 2 months roughly. Its killing my libido, and I dont understand why. I took HGH a year ago, and the same thing happen, and I...
  4. N

    High shbg very low free t . Moody irritable and zero sex drive

    Hi all New guy here. 50-year old guy living in the United Kingdom. Have been on testosterone therapy for 3 years and never felt optimised. Libido has constantly been very very low and recently my shbg has gone up to 70 . . I’ve noticed that I am more irritable and moody than I’ve ever been the...
  5. G

    Is there anything to do to decrease libido on trt?

    I was on trt (self administered) for almost a year after completely losing drive to succeed in life. I had all the symptoms and my levels were in the low end of 'normal'. The only thing that wasn't a big problem was libido and erections. Despite this, I jumped on at 125mg per week. The results...
  6. S

    Hydrocodone and Male Libido

    I wanted to reach out to see if anyone has had an increase in libido and erectile quality while taking hydrocodone? My recent experience with hydrocodone for two weeks has been odd. I wake up and pee go back to bed to wake up with raging hardon and horny. Reviewing articles suggests that women...
  7. H

    Extremely low libido despite elevated lab values

    Hello All. Been on TRT for 5 years. I am 42 years old. Current protocol is 80mg test Cyp with 500U Hcg twice a week. I also take 100mcg synthyroid. This pretty much been my protocol for the last 5 years. The last 2 years I have been experiencing horrible libido and erection problems. No...
  8. N

    TRT has made me worse

    Hi all. I'm a 50-year old man living in the UK. 5 years ago I started noticing that my libido was low. Doctors did blood tests and said that my testosterone was low but not long enough to start trt... After doing lots of research and and pestering my doctor he finally prescribed testosterone...
  9. T

    compounded testosterone suspension

    Anyone using it and which compounding pharmacy? Thanks.
  10. N

    TRT newbie

    Hi all. For one year ago i had my Testosterone levels tested and they were within normal levels, but in the very bottom. That meant that the free (tax payed) danish healthcare would not treat me even though i had several low-T symptoms. I am in my 40's and otherwise healthy and have been...
  11. A

    Moderate libido on Testosterone and HCG

    Hello. I am 28 years old, I'm a bodybuilder and currently doing TRT + hcg (to preserve testicular size and functions). I am taking 60mg sustanon every day, that would be a total of 420mg a week. I take hcg monday, wendnesday, friday, 500ui, for a total of 1500 ui a week. I also take exemestane...
  12. N

    TRT and libido

    I am 48. I have been playing around with TRT for 5 years. libido has also been very good. over the past month I have noticed it is very weak and my erections are not good at times and orgasms are dull at times. I can preform but it is like once a week. beside that I feel good. when I first...
  13. S

    Help Very Low Iron Panel Results

    Can a Very Low Iron Panel have any effect on Libido or Erections? Here is my labs from today: Tests Result Flag Units Reference Interval Lab Iron and TIBC 184-462-0542-0 Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC) 335 ug/dL 250-450 TNLCA UIBC 314 ug/dL 111-343 TNLCA Iron 21 Low ug/dL 38-169 TNLCA Iron Saturation 6...
  14. A

    On TRT, good looking numbers, horrible ED and no morning wood STILL.. help

    Hey Here are some lab numbers I have Total T 916 Free T 24.5 (2.7%) E2: 37 (AI doesnt seem to help and only makes things worse, ive tried arimidex and aromasin) SHBG: 23 ( a little on the low end, but nothing like i see "low shbg guys" struggling with in the teens and stuff) DHT: 50...
  15. Z

    Someone please help really need advice and answers

    So I have posted on this board a few times over the last couple weeks. Real quick long story short. 2 Monday’s ago I took a dose of my AI ‘when my doctor told me not to take it anymore, I took it because I thought my e2 was getting high’ anyways fast foward to now. My libido is none existent. A...
  16. R

    New to TRT, Libido & Erection Strength

    Before TRT over several years I noticed a decline in Libido and erection quality (EQ) . Once I started TRT (test cyp only) the first 3-4 weeks were great for Libido and EQ, my wife and I both noticed the improvements. However, after those first weeks things leveled off and Libido/EQ went back to...
  17. M

    23 year old, low T, this is my story! Clomid??? Please help!

    Hey everyone, Thanks for welcoming me to the forum! Really awesome to see you guys giving multi-paragraph responses to complete strangers on the internet. Hoping you guys have some guidance for me and I’d love to help you out with any issues I’m educated in! I am 23 years old, in peak...