What should I tell my primary care doctor about testing my thyroid? He only did TSH/reflex free T4.

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because of the supposed health defects that occur in the higher numbers.

This is not true. More evidence he has no idea whats going on. All TRT specialists are private because of the reasons Systemlord explained. The real question here is can you afford not to go see a real TRT specialist. Staying with the MD you have now will just add more years of unhappiness without any positive results. Defy isn't very expensive. They are quite reasonable.
Forgot to tell us your protocol, you just popped out and said you're on TRT. Please don't tell us you're injecting once every two weeks because of that if that's the case then you're not in good hands!
This is not true. More evidence he has no idea whats going on. All TRT specialists are private because of the reasons Systemlord explained. The real question here is can you afford not to go see a real TRT specialist. Staying with the MD you have now will just add more years of unhappiness without any positive results. Defy isn't very expensive. They are quite reasonable.

Would an insurance-covered endocrinologist work?
Forgot to tell us your protocol, you just popped out and said you're on TRT. Please don't tell us you're injecting once every two weeks because of that if that's the case then you're not in good hands!

Does 'protocol' mean my intention for wanting TRT, or is it how the procedure is followed through?

I'm on TRT so that I can be competent at anything and be able to work. I'm too depressed to do anything that takes effort unless I'm on an amphetamine. I'm receiving 200mg injections a week of generic testosterone cypionate.
Does 'protocol' mean my intention for wanting TRT, or is it how the procedure is followed through?

I'm on TRT so that I can be competent at anything and be able to work. I'm too depressed to do anything that takes effort unless I'm on an amphetamine. I'm receiving 200mg injections a week of generic testosterone cypionate.

That's most likely too much testosterone, when did you start TRT? The problem with that large 200mg a week is your T will shoot up above the top of the ranges and so to will your estrogen, over time the estrogen will build up and before you know it you'll start to feel like pure hell. You say your doctor wants you in the 400-500 range expect the doses he's giving you is very likely putting you above 1200+ ng/dL, 100mg a week would easily put you well above 500 ng/dL if you were injecting once weekly.

Your doctor is obviously so far outside his field of knowledge that you will end up suffering because he doesn't have a clue what he's doing, end game you're going to be looking for another doctor anyhow so you might as well start now. The problem is most endo's have no clue what their doing, mine struggles to and I can't afford a TRT specialist either. If you can't make the effort to spend the necessary time to find a competent doctor, then you will continue to suffer, it's as simple as that.

You need to take charge, call your healthcare provider and get a list of doctors who specialise in male hormones. You might go through a few doctors before you find one who is at least knowledgeable or one who is willing to learn, it's sad that doctors know so little about TRT.

Here's some resources that might help you. May I also recommend The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manual.

Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
PDFs that cover TRT and HCG
Labs for thyroid at above link.
BTW SystemLord Nice link!!!


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