My results were 2.64 mIU/L
Tell him that's only half the story, if fT3 is low or rT3 is blocking fT3 you won't know about it. Doctors do this to satisfy insurance companies and save them money.
Will they be able to test those in a blood test?
TSH is a really rather poor Thyroid test and is only one part of things. ASk for blood test on all of these:
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3
Those are the only 5 you need but you need all of them at the same time.
How should I ask my doctor to retest with these? He is prideful and usually shoots down whatever I try to educate him on. I don't think he purposefully chose not to test the others, he's just ignorant.
He's not ignorant he only doing what he was trained to do. Mainstream medicine from an administrative standpoint is very careful in what tests are ordered. Their is no wasted testing. It's become so bad that they don't really run enough tests to fully determine what's wrong. These MD's are trained to do just the TSH and only if that is out of range then they start a protocol with just synthroid to bring that TSH number down. Specialists like our sponsor Defy know that doesn't work. In fact most specialists know that a TSH of 2 or over usually indicates an underlying problem such as low T3. But this is something mainstream medicine ignores.
Would I still be able to undergo the full test with this doctor? I told him about HCG briefly (because I want children) and he acted like I said HGH then continued on about how men in California and Las Vegas take steroids.
I'm on my second week of TRT. Will I still feel better even though my thyroid is probably off? He wants my T level to be between 400 and 500 ng/dL.
We see a lot of guys having symptoms in the 400 ranges, unless your doctor knows where you landed naturally he is making a wild guess. He should go based off how you feel rather than paying attention to a bunch of stupid numbers on a piece of paper! Your doctor has an idea in his head where a guy's testosterone levels should be, the problem with this kind of thinking is everyone is different, some guys might do fine in the 500 range while others will do better in the 600-800 range. A doctor that doesn't listen to your concerns and shrugs off your suggestions as preposterous can't learn anything because his mind is already made up and therefore unable to learn knew things, close minded.
With that information it's clear that he doesn't have a clew about TRT. Every real TRT expert knows that a T level of 400-500 doesn't work period. The faster you find a real TRT expert the better off you will be. You won't get well on that dosage and your Thyroid obviously needs help. It's good you are learning this now and not after 2 years wondering why it doesn't work. This is why 85% of men put on trt give up on it and stop taking it. Because the MD does not know how to manage TRT and your other hormones effectively. Our Site sponsor Defy is very good and they can work with you over the phone. They will put you on HCG as well.
Do Defy work with Medicare?