Is this a side effect?

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When getting hot, my back and head itch terribly for a few minutes then goes away. The T clinic doc ha never heard of it and I can't find info online. She suspects it's blood pressure related but I explained it even happens at work, the department store, etc. and when I'm not exerting myself. Being winter and my being a garage lifter, I take my shirt off and stay cool with fewer incidents.

Any info appreciated. It's not alarming but certainly uncomfortable!
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You get hot and itch - what makes you think it has any relationship to your TRT protocol? Shortly after your injection? It never happened before you started TRT? On a daily basis?
So it feels like a needle being stuck in your skin, but all over, and itches intensely? Usually feels hot? It's impossible to ignore, and spreads?

Do you live in a cold climate? Does it usually happen when going from cold temperatures to warm? Say from outside at 50f to inside at 70f?

What's your E2?
Started about 4 months ago and occurs daily or eod generally, well into my TRT experience; didn't start immediately nor is there any correlation between this and injection days. I'm asking if you've heard of this as a side effect, not suggesting it is.
My E level last week was 27.9; r Labcorp range is 7.6-42.6. I live in Arkansas. It does not automatically happen when going inside, nor when body heat rises, it really is pretty random even though body heat seems to be a trigger when it does occur.
I've looked online and can't figure it out. It's likely NOT caused by the TRT but thought I would ask in case someone has reported it. thanks.
Started about 4 months ago and occurs daily or eod generally, well into my TRT experience; didn't start immediately nor is there any correlation between this and injection days. I'm asking if you've heard of this as a side effect, not suggesting it is.
My E level last week was 27.9; r Labcorp range is 7.6-42.6. I live in Arkansas. It does not automatically happen when going inside, nor when body heat rises, it really is pretty random even though body heat seems to be a trigger when it does occur.
I've looked online and can't figure it out. It's likely NOT caused by the TRT but thought I would ask in case someone has reported it. thanks.

Did my description of how it feels explain it?
Oh yes, I know these pretty well, much less incidences of it for me with my E much lower now. I was suffering a long period of my E being over 50 and as high as 88 but yeah I know that hot flash on the skin, prickly itchy...not pleasant.
Do you take niacin? Any new food or other allergies? Some people feel hotter on TRT, but itching is not something I have heard before.
No niacin or allergies that I know of; will probably get tested for allergies as I know they can pop up. Thanks for the reply!
It's a hot flash of an itchy and prickly sensation, very pronounced, in my case not Niacin (or Beta Alanine(!) at these times), its like you'd get up and start to do something in an exertion kind of way and this wave would hit and last ~30 seconds and subside, like a sudden blast. Back and scalp by my experience.
JDS; yes, your description pretty much covered it. In Vince's case, he thinks his was caused by high E, but in my case, my E is fine....or may actually be too low.
JDS; yes, your description pretty much covered it. In Vince's case, he thinks his was caused by high E, but in my case, my E is fine....or may actually be too low.

The medical term is "Pruritus", it can also be caused by what's called "miliaria" which is essentially clogged sweat ducts, thus when you begin to sweat it itches like crazy.

As to why it's induced by low or high E2, that's what I haven't figured out.

I have some theories, some being incredibly complex for no reason(Occam's Razor always applies) to more simple and likely. E2 being low creates dry skin, and it's possible this blocks sweat ducts. High E2 causes the skin to produce more oil, which blocks sweat glands, thus creating the problem.

The complex one can be found here

I am not sure exactly what causes the sudden onset and disappearance. Something triggers the phenomenon, probably sweating for my simpler theory, and probably fear along with its associated release of various vascular tone impacting hormones/catecholamines.

I would notice it strongly when a sudden fear response would happen, such as when I'm driving and a car next to me almost merges into me. That gut dropping feeling, then followed by itching like CRAZY.

Dr Saya I'd love your input on this!
Yes, I have had it start when stress levels rise as well. thanks so much for the insight; not sure where it leads me but it's a start anyway.
FWIW, when it was warmer and I was lifting in the garage, I would sweat pretty well from the heat/exertion. Now, I hardly sweat at all and I thought it was from the cold. thanks again!
Yes, I have had it start when stress levels rise as well. thanks so much for the insight; not sure where it leads me but it's a start anyway.
FWIW, when it was warmer and I was lifting in the garage, I would sweat pretty well from the heat/exertion. Now, I hardly sweat at all and I thought it was from the cold. thanks again!

I think the sweating theory is most likely.

I also had it disappear over the summer.

I am now in a warmer climate, coming from a cold one, and the first day I had it pretty bad, not so much anymore. I was just outside and it's 80F with sun, when I first got here that'd send me into an itching spell, it didn't today.
Well, I leave for Orlando where it will be in the high 70's and low 80's. I will be gone for a week and exercising outdoors (need the fresh air!) so will let you know what happens. Hopefully, I can adapt quickly and see the symptoms subside or disappear. I've not been getting them as badly/often as before so maybe I'm on the mend.
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Well, I leave for Orlando where it will be in the high 70's and low 80's. I will be gone for a week and exercising outdoors (need the fresh air!) so will let you know what happens. Hopefully, I can adapt quickly and see the symptoms subside or disappear. I've not been getting them as badly/often as before so maybe I'm on the mend.

That's what it is here. Actually, not too far from orlando!

It'll be the first day or so, showering helps a lot, I think it "clears" the pores. Stressing about it actually makes it worse in my experience, so try not to, but that leads to a catch-22 situation.
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