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Antanas Dzukas

New Member

I was on transdermal testosterone (10%, 100mg) and switched to subq enanthate 100mg to see maybe its fits better for me and I gained weight 2-3kg in 4 weeks. Nothing have changed, only testosterone.
How its could be explained? I am 177cm, 70kg, used to be on transdermal 67kg

I also on 15mg hydrocortisone, 1.5 grain thyroid, 30mg DHEA, 300IU 2x per week HCG.

I didn't run any lab tests on subq, so going to do it in few weeks (after 5th shot).

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Current labs would help. Would you consider the weight you put on "water weight?" I'm curious what your E2 levels are with you taking the test, HCG, and DHEA.

I was on transdermal testosterone (10%, 100mg) and switched to subq enanthate 100mg to see maybe its fits better for me and I gained weight 2-3kg in 4 weeks. Nothing have changed, only testosterone.
How its could be explained? I am 177cm, 70kg, used to be on transdermal 67kg

I also on 15mg hydrocortisone, 1.5 grain thyroid, 30mg DHEA, 300IU 2x per week HCG.

I didn't run any lab tests on subq, so going to do it in few weeks (after 5th shot).


Are you outside the US? Do you have access to the sensitive (LC, MS/MS) estradiol test?
Same as Vince. I gained what I would assume was water weight in the initial stages of TRT but returned to normal after a couple of months.
Testosterone can also increase intracellular water due to its effects on increased storage of glycogen in muscle tissue.
It can be so many things, it will also depend on your body composition before TRT, your lifestyle now(do you lift weights?), and also beginning TRT or going from ineffective to an effective protocol can increase appetite in the beginning. Like another poster mentioned, testosterone will increase glycogen storage in muscles which will increase water weight, but it is not a bad kind of weight.

I gained some weight when I started TRT, I am 5'8, 150lbs before TRT and now about 160lbs. I don't lift weights really, but I seem to have gained muscle or at least it appears to be muscle, people have mentioned out of their own volition that I seem bigger in the shoulders, arms, and even my chest. My shirt sleeves are tighter. I did gain a few inches on my waist, but that's a good thing for me because now I am a more normal pants size!

This is all assuming E2 isn't high, if it is, lab tests will show and if you lower E2 most of the water weight will go away.

Thanks for comments everyone.

I agree regarding "water weight", because i feel puffy, my face also kind of puffy and its not fat, its probably water.

Unfortunately in Lithuania(EU) we don't have sensitive E2 test.

From my personal experience i notice that testosterone slump thyroid hormones. Has anyone noticed that?

I will run blood test next week to see how my hormones is looking like. Any blood test for increased water retention?

Btw, what do you think guys about trial of arimidex (smallest possible dose) and see how i look and feel?
0.1mg 1-2x per week is smallest dose?

Without a blood test, even the standard test, it's really not recommended to just start taking strong drugs like arimidex.

Do they at least have the standard test in your country? I know it's not the best, almost even useless, but it can help give an idea.

I believe one of the members here has a method on how to make the standard test a bit better by testing CRP I believe.
Btw, what do you think guys about trial of arimidex (smallest possible dose) and see how i look and feel?
0.1mg 1-2x per week is smallest dose?

When are you going to test your levels (testosterone, SHBG, CBC, and- since it's all you have - the standard estradiol test)? You may be able to come to terms with your challenges by manipulating your dose, smaller more frequent injections. I would think hard about that before take an AI with no idea what you are dealing with.
I agree regarding arimidex as last possible solution.

Next week i will test. Total T, SHGB, E2 standartd, FSH and thyroid hormones.
Free T and sensative E2 no available.

maybe try IM instead Subq?
I agree regarding arimidex as last possible solution.

Next week i will test. Total T, SHGB, E2 standartd, FSH and thyroid hormones.
Free T and sensative E2 no available.

maybe try IM instead Subq?

How often are you injecting, and how much testosterone is in each injection? Changes withiut labs is a bad idea. How else are you feeling? Energy, focus, libido? This may well pass...don't be so quick to make a change for change's sake.
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0.8ml - 80mg testosterone enanthate 1x per week on Thursday
250-300iu hcg thuesday and wendsday.

I will do the lab test, but right know i thinking to cut dhea to 20mg and hcg down to 200iu and do the test
0.8ml - 80mg testosterone enanthate 1x per week on Thursday
250-300iu hcg thuesday and wendsday.

I will do the lab test, but right know i thinking to cut dhea to 20mg and hcg down to 200iu and do the test

That is a very modest dose of testosterone. It is unlikely, though not unheard of, for E2 levels to rise to a point of concern on that protocol. I will be very interested to see where your total testosterone sits when you have your labs run. What is your SHBG?
0.8ml - 80mg testosterone enanthate 1x per week on Thursday
250-300iu hcg thuesday and wendsday.

I will do the lab test, but right know i thinking to cut dhea to 20mg and hcg down to 200iu and do the test
Don't make changes just before a lab test. You need to keep everything the same for 6 weeks before a lab test, otherwise the data is invalid.
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Finally i got my lab results. Would be grateful for inputs. Thanks.

I am on testosterone 100mg per week, 2x 200 IU HCG (2 days before T shot), 15mg hydrocortisone, 1.5 grain thyroid, 25mg dhea

Everything seems ok, but for some reason i feel better on T gel. Less acne, less oily skin, less tension in testicles and no weight gain(probably water weight).

E2 test is not sensitive for male, but when i was on T-gel(10%, 100mg) it was 40. I always test in the same laboratory. So my E2 is twice higher on subq(100mg per week) compare T-gel.

I am thinking to switch back to T-gel, but maybe would be good reason to try AI 0.1mg 1x or 2x per week with subq T? What would be smallest safe possible dose for trial?

I tested 5th day after T injection (no HCG)

Total Testosterone (nmol/l) 23,25 range 8,33-30,19
SHBG 37,2 (nmol/l) range 10-57
E2 (pmol/l) 84 range 40,4-161,5 (on T gel was 40)
FSH <0,1 (U/l) range 0,95-11,95

DHEA-SO4 3,91 (mkmol/l) range 2,2-15,2
Cortisol (nmol/l) 264 range 101-536

TTH (mU/l) 0,376 range 0,4-4,0
FT4 (pmol/l) 11,34 range 9,0-19,0
FT3 (pmol/l) 4,12 range 2,63-5,70

IGF-1 (mkg/L) 244 range 41-246

Feritin (mkg/l) 88,4 range 20-300
Fe (mkmol/l) 19,4 range 9,5-29,9
TIBC (mkmol/l) 52,4 range 42,3-52,5
UIBC (mkmol/l) 33,7 range 12,4-43,0
Transferin saturation 35,7% range 20-50
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