What happens if I blast testosterone?

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I'm currently on Androgel 1.62, 4 pumps a day with 125u's of HCG daily.

I switched over from injections in April. I still have 4 bottles of test cyp laying around and some exemestane (sp?). I was thinking of running a 12 week blast of 600mg's of Test C to finish out the old bottles.

Here's my question. I'm not a muscular guy. I'm around 5'11" and 6' and 197lbs. I'm around 15%BF. I'm 40 years old. My workouts are pretty simple because I have back, shoulder and knee problems.

Since I'm not going to go hardcore in the gym, will this blast do anything for me?

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor

I know this site promotes safe and educated TRT use but I do not moralize intelligent use of higher doses in a 8-12 week "blast" as you guys call it. You say you will remain on TRT after you stop this cycle, so that takes care of the HPTA shutdown concern.

Anyone can use higher T doses for building muscle and strength. Just make sure that you monitor your hematocrit, blood pressure, and sensitive estradiol. A CMP, CBC, and sensitive estradiol would be bare minimum tests. When you get off your higher doses, just use your 100-200 mg/week TRT dose.

In my opinion, if you eat and exercise properly, doses of 200-500 mg per week can help attain slow but solid muscle gains. Of course, this is provided you are smart about monitoring blood work and blood pressure. I really believe that doses above 500 mg/week of testosterone get to a point of diminishing returns and more side effects like water retention, acne, large hematocrit increases, etc

Also, read this table since higher doses may also cause higher side effects.

Testosterone Side Effect Management Table
Hi Nelson,
Thanks for the response and I apologize for asking about blasting on the site. I did not know it wasn't proper.

I have blood pressure isues. They arose when I was on injections. I had to take medication to control it. Once I moved over to Androgel, I didn't need the blood presure medication anymore.

Thanks for your post. I'm going to forget about the blast. I don't want my blood pressure problems to arise again.
I totally agree with Nelson's position and agree with it; but I have one big question.

Men who run a AAS Cycle do so to pack on more lean muscle mass while training...very hard.

If you don't have any plans to train and lift weights this Cycle isn't going to do much for you other then put you as some medical risks as Nelson so well pointed out.

I just don't see the point of running a cycle and not training aggressively.

The reason why was because of an article similar to this one. Basically, people gained muscle without even exercising. I read that people on steroid doses made more muscle than people who exercised without steroids.

I have to be honest, I'm looking for an easy way. I have the meds here so instead of wasting it, I was thinking of just using it and seeing if I could get stronger, faster or something to that effect.
Henry, the problem with taking that mindset, you very well could end up packing on fat and a lot of water. Even with Anavar, which can promote LBM to no end, it will essentially be useless without putting in the hours in both diet and exercise.

Like mentioned above, I also have no problem with the "blast" scenario either. In fact, if it's structured correctly, it can be more effective stacked with a mild compound like Nandrolone (but that's a whole different story) .. I read that article on your link, and I'm telling you it's just going to be a water retention mess, and nothing will be accomplished taking that mindset. There is no "easy way"!

I agree with your decision to probably just disregard doing it all together ...
May be Henry has physical issues that do not let him exercise.

Yes, Bhasin showed that 600 mg per week increased lean body mass in men who did not exercise, but look at the response with exercise:

higher dose testosterone body composition.gif

Full paper: http://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM199607043350101
I did my first "blast" 6 years ago after I did all the tests that showed I had low test. 215. I gained an appreciable amount of muscle in 8 weeks taking 500 mgs a week just maintaining my regular lifting and then switching to a TRT program with a good doctor. I've kept nearly all my gains in the years since.
Why not take advantage of it and just go lift???

It's healthy for you and you'll like the way you look;)

I would still train but I don't currently train like I see some of the guys on youtube. My plan was never to sit around and shoot steroids for 3 months, but, I wasn't planning on doing 2 workouts a day while running 5 miles afterwards

My current workout is:

Bench Press 5x5
Dips 3x10
push ups 4x20
standing curl 4x5
chin ups 3x10
dumbbell concentration curl 3x15

Pull ups 4x10
deadlifts 3x5
Reverse fly 4x15
bicycle crunch 4x10
v up 3x20

Overhead press 4x5
dumbbell lat raises 4x10
dumbbell front raises 3x12
close grip bench press 3x8
dips 3x10
tricep kick back 3x12

Back squat 3x5
leg extension 4x12
seated leg curl 4x8
lying let curl 3x12
calf extension 5x10
standing calf 3x12

As you can see, it's not that intense. I work out one body part a week and only 4 days a week. This helps minimize pain to my back, knees and shoulders. For cardio, I walk 30 minutes a day during lunch.

I'm not sure what will happen during the blast. I've heard of guys talking about how they put 75 pounds on their bench and 150lbs on their squat and deadlift. My bench is 190, my deadlift is 345, my overhead press is 135 and my squat is 225. They're not exactly record breaking numbers and I'm pretty wiped out afterwards so I'm not sure how much more intense I can get. IF the blast can turn me into an animal at the gym, and speed up my recovery, I would greatly appreciate it but I'm not sure if it can do that.
Henry, the problem with taking that mindset, you very well could end up packing on fat and a lot of water. Even with Anavar, which can promote LBM to no end, it will essentially be useless without putting in the hours in both diet and exercise.

Like mentioned above, I also have no problem with the "blast" scenario either. In fact, if it's structured correctly, it can be more effective stacked with a mild compound like Nandrolone (but that's a whole different story) .. I read that article on your link, and I'm telling you it's just going to be a water retention mess, and nothing will be accomplished taking that mindset. There is no "easy way"!

I agree with your decision to probably just disregard doing it all together ...

Packing on the water would be a problem. Packing on water will lead to blood pressure problems. That's what I ran into on injections. I was talking 120mg's a week and it shot my total t level to 1440 and my blood pressure was over 140. I was taking these water pills that would help drop my blood pressure but once I got on Androgel and my T level dropped down to 690-800, I didn't have any blood pressure issues again.
Henry, thanks for posting your details. You have a pretty good routine going in the gym, good to see!!

I have a cyst on a kidney, and at one time had similar BP results. At one time, I was on meds to control it as well. Got to say, that was also back in the day when I drank 5x per week .. It was hard saying no to those free drinks in first, but it was taking a toll on me big time. Gave up drinking all together over 7 years ago, TRT for 6 years now, no BP Meds since then either, and able to keep things in the 120/75 range (for the most part). I have to admit, Cialis and some of the items from Gene's NO Stack list (like Arginine) help. Not sure how or why your situation came about, but hoping it's something that can possibly get turned around for you?
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