It sounds like more members are injecting testosterone daily. It seems like it would be a tough protocol to follow. I was wondering, do the benefits of injecting daily really outweigh the disadvantages?
Hey guys! New here and have been on and off TRT for some time. Currently I have been on trt for 1 year with a popular clinic. I've been on an EOD protocol for a year and haven't really felt much better. My anxiety is through the roof and I have to take clonopin for it 1mg 2x daily usually. I used to take lexapro and before that paxil prior to that. My primary care doc wants to put me back on paxil but I'm wondering if I can get dialed in on TRT maybe I won't need it.
I'm lowish SHBG 12.4 on recent labs and 19.4 on the one before that (labcorp goes up to 55).
My current protocol is:
40MG T cyp EOD
200mg of DIM daily
I've always had high hematocrit currently at 51 with donating. Pre TRT I was at 48 I believe.
What would a daily TRT plan look like for me? I'm guessing 20mg or 15mg daily of test cyp, 100iu or 50iu or 75iu HCG daily and 100mg DIM daily?
My sensitive estrogen is at 23.2 and has gone up to 40 without DIM. Free test 21.3 and total t at 897. In the afternoon the day after my t shot I'm in the low 500s for total T.
I also should mention I inject sub q in the belly with T with a 29 n 1/2" needle and use the same needle to do HCG in my upper thigh. I feel like since going sub q for test I've lost this since of well being because I used to use a 27 gauge 1 inch needle in glutes and felt better.
Any help is greatly appreciated I'm 29 and tried the clomid route and could only get up to 410 total t and then when I stopped I went back to my normal t level of 208.
I've missed a lot of work because of these panic attacks so I really need help.
Thanks so much!