Want to come off arimidex after 7 years of use

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Hi everyone

This is a follow up to my previous post of e2 being too high
I’d like to figure this out and my doctor isn’t much help. We don’t have any good TRT docs in my area and my original TRT doc is no longer taking patients

I’d like to come off arimidex after taking it consistently for 7 years however my labs always come back high with E2. Most recently 275 (75ng)

Not too many sides other than odd ed issues otherwise feel good

I’m 34 5’11 190lb 14%bf

My current protocol

120mg test e
1mg adex
500iu HCG (want to eventually have another child)

SPLIT into twice a week Monday / Thursday. Labs were taken Monday morning before my dosing.

This has been my protocol for a long time and used to have it dialed in but for some reason now e2 is consistently too high and I’d like to avoid arimidex all together. Really hoping I haven’t screwed myself permanently

Is there anything I can attempt with dosage?

Labs below


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