Hi, I'm new to this forum, and need some advice. It's taken me a long time to get to the point where my endo has agreed to give me trt, one shot of nebido every 14 weeks. I'm around 6 weeks in to my first shot and feel no benefits at all in fact any effects are negative, tiredness, brain fog loss of libido the usual, just as it's been for years. It took me years of begging my Gp to even see an endo because they were adamant i was depressed and tried to push Ssri's onto me which I flatly refused. This gp actually seemed offended I cared about my health. Without being sexist I explained to this woman that there's no possible way of her knowing how I feel, a 33 year old man who's felt this way for years and quality of life is crap! Long story short I got bloods done, which showed low test although technically 'normal', which again made it harder to get them to help. I ended up self medicating with 100mg test enanthate for a few weeks and noticed my life was coming back in many ways, tangible benefits. When I seen my endo I was up front with him and told him I'd felt I no other options but to go down this route. He initially wanted a repeat blood test and a follow up appointment in 6 months and prescribed tamoxifen as I had a small hard lump behind my nipple- there from puberty really that came and went randomly I got it checked out by a breast cancer specialist who said it was a little gyno, and she actually said avoid protein shakes as they can cause this! You coudknt make it up! Anyway guys so I'm basically after some help, I'm not feeling any benefit on nebido at all, from the research I've done it maybe works for 50pc of guys and then it seems to take months or perhaps years to level out even for the guys it does work for. Am.i being quacked? The endo seemed sympathetic but a bit clueless to be honest. Side note I've never taken steroids or anything like this before, im.not into getting big it ain't my thing, any aesthetic improvements I'd see as a bonus not an aim in itself. I train like a mofo and always wondered why Im.not as strong and as ripped as other guys i train with despite eating clean and training martial arts most days of the week. I could have had low t for years it's only last couple of years I've had it confirmed. I will post my bloods from Dec 2016, please can I get some advice to how bad this is?! When I saw my endo in April he said my results had improved a little but by then as I said I felt for the sake of my health I need to self administer trt. I can understand why he perhaps said nebido was the way forward, as it's less often, he said the days of sustanon every 2 weeks were over and this was mandatory nhs protocol now. Ive got a further bloods scheduekd for early august and next nebido is due mid aug. Needless to say I'm probably going to end my nebido script as i feel awful already and have many more weeks of feeling worse before they consider giving me another shot. Really need some help guys, not sure I can stick this out even the first few weeks of nebido I felt no positive feelings. I certainly did when I was doing 100mg a week even if it was only for 4-5 weeks.
Has anyone been in similar situation? The irony is I'm prob one of the lucky ones to even get this far with the was the nhs is!
Here is bloods from 23 Dec 2016:
Beta HCG <1 IU/L
LH 4.0 IU/L
FSH 5.8 IU/L
Prolactin 140 mlU/L
Testosterone 10.6 nmol/L
SHBG 36 nmol/L
Free test 255 pmol/L
TSH 2.39 mU/L
Free T4 18.4 pmol/L
"Free testosterone in normal range, though at lower end of normal. Repeat bloods in 6months time"
Any help from you knowledgeable guys mich appreciated!
Has anyone been in similar situation? The irony is I'm prob one of the lucky ones to even get this far with the was the nhs is!
Here is bloods from 23 Dec 2016:
Beta HCG <1 IU/L
LH 4.0 IU/L
FSH 5.8 IU/L
Prolactin 140 mlU/L
Testosterone 10.6 nmol/L
SHBG 36 nmol/L
Free test 255 pmol/L
TSH 2.39 mU/L
Free T4 18.4 pmol/L
"Free testosterone in normal range, though at lower end of normal. Repeat bloods in 6months time"
Any help from you knowledgeable guys mich appreciated!