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Good Evening, I just wanted to Introduce myself Attaboybigen75 i am 28yo, unfortunately My doctor and I are not seeing Eye to eye. However i believe that given time I can work with the treatment or find someone else unfortunately a Defy medical or testosterone are out of the question. My Total Test is 168 unfortunately she did not check free test or Estrogen levels and she stated that the range was 300 and high of 750 NOT 1100 now i am sure that estrogen is high as my test is so low. She wanted to give me 400 mg test in one shot and check me in a month or so. i highly objected and agreed to to .25ml of 200mg Testosterone Cypionate twice a week. after all my research and reading I personally think this is not enough. I am looking for an endocrinologist, or Urologists that will work with me but to no avail and as she is kinda working with me im tempted to ride it a little while longer thanks.
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