TRT and ED

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If I understood it right, in his interview, Dr Ranjith Ramasamy says that TRT may only improve mild ED. TRT alone does not work.
Is it why viagra/cialis is a big topic at this forum?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Short answer,probably. At least for me. You won't get an erection without libido, it's not an instant, automatic thing. You need arousal.TRT gives you libido, and more easy arousal. Combination of TRT and pde5s is a game changer.
If I understood it right, in his interview, Dr Ranjith Ramasamy says that TRT may only improve mild ED. TRT alone does not work.
Is it why viagra/cialis is a big topic at this forum?
I would also have to agree, as men age more need ED meds. I use them but a times I don't, just so I can compare the difference in erection quality.
TRT is typically "sold" as giving you a strong libido along with reducing or eliminating ED but that rarely happens. Count yourself as one of the lucky ones if both of those happen. Most of us are using PDE5 inhibitors along with a N.O. stack to help on the ED front and libido seems hit and miss quite often for many of us as well.
If low testosterone is the sole cause of ED it will help significantly.

The thing is though, most guys posting on here have other medical conditions or medications contributing to ED that they aren't mentioning. They attribute their ED to low test and expect TRT to fix everything.
If low testosterone is the sole cause of ED it will help significantly.

The thing is though, most guys posting on here have other medical conditions or medications contributing to ED that they aren't mentioning. They attribute their ED to low test and expect TRT to fix everything.

I've seen a few people come in on various forums and say they are suffering from ED and start a topic trying to solve their issues since TRT didn't, then later in the thread they mention their on SSRI's for anxiety, extremely irritating!
The presentation on the forum of those suffering with anxiety on the forum is quite noticeable enough that Ive been going right to it when I see it. I've also noted how many guys as said above come to later find Adrenal and Thyroid problems that in the end have a whole host of medical matters separate from TRT. Then there's those of us that all check out "good" and still have ED problems. Quite a mixed population that we see.
I've seen a few people come in on various forums and say they are suffering from ED and start a topic trying to solve their issues since TRT didn't, then later in the thread they mention their on SSRI's for anxiety, extremely irritating!

I love the "oh and by the way I'm on methadone, oxycontin, and amphetamines".

You don't think that had any relevance?
If I understood it right, in his interview, Dr Ranjith Ramasamy says that TRT may only improve mild ED. TRT alone does not work.
Is it why viagra/cialis is a big topic at this forum?

Unless a persons ED is the result of low testosterone levels as the hormone is extremely important in the mental aspect as it contributes to libido/drive in the brain as well as the physical aspect as it is involved in a maintaining healthy functioning erectile tissue than the majority of ED cases are usually related to poor endothelial/vascular function whether due to aging/diabetes/obesity/hypertension/metabolic syndrome/medications/drug abuse/neurotransmitter imbalance. Trt can definitely improve libido/erectile function for many but there are also a lot of people that struggle with ongoing issues related to ED/libido as many other factors regarding ones overall health can contribute to poor results. Even if one does not suffer from low testosterone/overall health issues aging in and of itself can still contribute to poor endothelial/vascular health as wear and tear eventually takes a toll on the body and cells do not function like in ones youth!
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