Too much hcg?

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I have been on trt for almost a year, and my wife and I have been trying to conceive for the past 2 years. Even before the trt we didn't have any luck. I've read about hcg being used to stay fertile during trt and really wanted to give it a shot. I talked to my doctor and he prescribed me hcg, 2500iu twice a week. Is this too much? From what I've been seeing online most guys are using around 500iu a few times a week. My trt dose is .6ml (120mg...ish) per week. Can anybody weigh in on this?
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Are you serious? 2500 iu a week? Jesus your estrogen is going good through the freacting roof! You would be totally fine with 125 iu daily. How some of these guys prescribe is malpractice.
Yeah, that's what I figured... he was also telling me that hcg isn't really going to help me but I could try it anyway. I'm wondering if maybe this is more of a dose to help jumpstart someone who has low testosterone but isn't on trt? I know it can help increase natural test production. At $150 a vial I don't want to waste it, but it seems mixed really strong since 2500ui is .5ml
It's a waste of money and you are going to seriously increase your estrogen levels at that dosage and trust me that's not a good thing.
Yeah, I know sending my estrogen through the roof is definitely not good. Just wondering how I can split the dose down to where I can use it properly. Seems like it would be like .025 to get 125ui but I'm not 100% on the math. Definitely hard to load that amount in a syringe accurately too
I didn't mix it, my doc sent me to a compounding pharmacy. There's 4ml in the bottle @ 5000iu per ml. So if 2500iu is .5 then that means .1 would be 500iu which would make .05=250iu and .025=125iu, right?
Correct on the math and dosage. 125 iu daily is all you me. Receptor downgrade regulation and elevated E2 is what you're looking at the higher dosage. Not a good idea.
Cool. Thanks for the help, I thought 2500iu seemed way too high. Hopefully this will get the boys swimming, really don't want to come off of trt.
Also, do I need to cycle the hcg at all? I've seen some recommend 1 week on 3 weeks off. I got 6 months worth of refills
No cycling needed - although that was probably based upon the huge dosage you were prescribed and would make some sense under those circumstances. I should say no cycling needed with a normal dose.
The dose that works for you is the correct dose. hCG's effect on the leydigs garners more attention here and on other male forums than its ability to simulate FSH receptors on the Sertoli which is a more recent discovery.

In a healthy untreated male FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to produce an androgen binding protein which in turn holds IT testosterone close to the tubule which is necessary for sperm maturation. It is thought that inhibin which is also produced by the Sertoli when influenced by androgen plays a role in spermatogenisis.

Is excess IT E2 counterproductive to spermatogenisis? If you believe it is then you most definitely want to, for fertility purposes, achieve the ideal IT hCG levels that yield the highest IT T production with minimal IT E2 yet sufficient FSH effect for Sertoli stimulation. Nice balancing act if that theory holds true.
The dose that works for you is the correct dose. hCG's effect on the leydigs garners more attention here and on other male forums than its ability to simulate FSH receptors on the Sertoli which is a more recent discovery.

In a healthy untreated male FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to produce an androgen binding protein which in turn holds IT testosterone close to the tubule which is necessary for sperm maturation. It is thought that inhibin which is also produced by the Sertoli when influenced by androgen plays a role in spermatogenisis.

Is excess IT E2 counterproductive to spermatogenisis? If you believe it is then you most definitely want to, for fertility purposes, achieve the ideal IT hCG levels that yield the highest IT T production with minimal IT E2 yet sufficient FSH effect for Sertoli stimulation. Nice balancing act if that theory holds true.

I'm not really sure if E2 plays a part, I'm definitely no expert. Just want to get my wife pregnant without making my health any worse. Seems like there is a lot of confusion as far as trt is concerned as to what the perfect treatment is
I didn't mix it, my doc sent me to a compounding pharmacy. There's 4ml in the bottle @ 5000iu per ml. So if 2500iu is .5 then that means .1 would be 500iu which would make .05=250iu and .025=125iu, right?

Not sure that is correct. Use the formula below to do the math...I created this years ago when I went through this mixing too...
Only difference is your "X" is syringe dose amount (assuming you want 125 iu), not the dilutant amount (since the pharmacy already did that)

I get : 4 mil (dilutant amount) x 125 iu (per dose strength)= 500 iu; 500 i.u/5,000 (amp strength) = .1cc per dose amount. And 40 doses per vial (4 mil/ .1).

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