Anyone try thyrovanz and get bloodwork?
I’m just asking if anyone is treating thyroid with thyrovanz.Crisler was trying to do consults and let you treat yourself without having to go see him with it. Never heard anything about anyone doing so. To prescribe any meds you had to Pay him 600 bucks and go visit him one time then he could order meds. If you couldn't go see him then you could try thyrovanz and he would make recommendations in a consult.
Ok cool. I’m just curious cause I have low body temp cold hands and feet but my free t3/4 come back decent and fsh usually 2 and under. So looking for a little boost maybeI tried it but honestly didn't do labwork.
I'm currently on NatureThroid which made a world of a difference.
I personally noticed nothing with ThyroVanz unfortunately.
ok thanks. Yeah not really sure what to do. I know back a few years ago dr crisler put me on t3 to help with high rt3 and I felt awful even on a tiny dose. Anxiety dizzy just terrible. So I don’t think I really need thyroid meds. Just got to get my temp upWhen you take thyroid you suppress your natural production. Taking a little bovine thyroid probably is not going to help.