The Dynamics of Allosteric Binding of Estradiol to SHBG

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Estradiol induces Allosteric Coupling and Partitioning of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Monomers Among Conformational States

Ravi Jasuja, Daniel Spencer, Abhilash Jayaraj, Liming Peng, Meenakshi Krishna, Brian Lawney, Priyank Patel, B. Jayaram, Kelly M. Thayer, David L. Beveridge, Shalender Bhasin


Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) regulates the transport and bioavailability of estradiol. The dynamics of estradiol's binding to SHBG are incompletely understood although it is believed that estradiol binds to each monomer of SHBG dimer with identical affinity (Kd ~2 nM). Contrary to the prevalent view, we show that estradiol’s binding to SHBG is nonlinear and the "apparent" Kd changes with varying estradiol and SHBG concentrations. Estradiol’s binding to each SHBG monomer influences residues in the ligand-binding pocket of both monomers, and differentially alters the conformational and energy landscapes of both monomers. Monomers are not energetically or conformationally equivalent even in a fully-bound state.

Conclusion: Estradiol’s binding to SHBG involves bidirectional, inter-monomeric allostery that changes the distribution of both monomers among various energy and conformational states. Inter-monomeric allostery offers a mechanism to extend the binding range of SHBG and regulate hormone bioavailability as estradiol concentrations vary widely during life.


As living organisms became multicellular and more complex, hormones and circulating systems evolved to enable communication among distantly located cells and organs. The circulating binding proteins facilitated the transport of hormones and nutrients to various target tissues in the body. In humans and most mammalian species, most hormones are transported in the circulation, bound to their cognate binding proteins, and that their bioavailability to the target tissues and their biological activity is regulated by the circulating concentration of the non-protein bound fraction or the "free" hormone. The concept of the important role of binding proteins in regulating the bioavailability and biological activity of their ligands applies also to nutrients, such as vitamin D and B12, and many commonly used drugs, such as aspirin, warfarin, and some antibiotics.

Despite widespread adoption of the free hormone hypothesis, the dynamics of how hormones bind to their cognate binding proteins have remained incompletely understood. Among the various physiologic ligands, the binding of sex hormones, estradiol, and testosterone, to their high-affinity binding partner, sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), remains the most extensively studied. Estradiol (E2), the dominant estrogen in men and women, is found in human circulation bound primarily to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) and human serum albumin (HSA)
[Anderson, 1974; Dunn et al., 1981; Moll et al., 1981; Tietz, 1986; Peters, 1996; Pearlman et al., 1969; Burke and Anderson, 1972; Vigersky et al., 1979]. These circulating binding proteins regulate the transport, bioavailability, and metabolism of estradiol [Goldman et al.,2017; Rosner and Smith, 1975; Manni et al., 1985; Nisula and Dunn, 1979; Murphy, 1968; Zeginiadou et al., 1997; Laurent et al., 2016; Laurent and Vanderschueren, 2014]. Using an SHBG transgenic mouse model, Laurent et al. demonstrated that SHBG regulates the physiological function and the circulating half-life of sex steroids in vivo.

The dynamics of estradiol’s binding to SHBG remain incompletely understood. It is generally believed that estradiol binds with high affinity to a single binding pocket in each of the two monomers of the SHBG dimer [Grishkovskaya et al., 2000; Grishkovskaya et al., 1999; Avvakumov et al., 2001] and prior studies have reported a single Kd (~2 nM) for each monomer
[Dunn et al., 1981; Moll et al., 1981; Burke and Anderson, 1972; Avvakumov et al., 2001; Sӧdergard et al., 1982; Vermeulen et al., 1999; Grishkovskaya et al., 2002b; Mazer, 2009]. Underlying these studies, however, is the assumption that estradiol’s binding to SHBG is linear and follows a one-to-one stoichiometry with an identical affinity for both monomers.

While the earlier studies assumed that there was an estradiol binding pocket at the interface of the SHBG dimer [Sui et al., 1996], subsequent resolution of the crystal structure of the N-terminal recombinant human SHBG containing the ligand-binding pocket (LBP) complexed with steroidal ligands [Grishkovskaya et al., 2000; Grishkovskaya et al., 1999; Avvakumov et al., 2001] revealed a homo-dimeric structure in which each monomer contains an LBP for estradiol. Observations that dimerization deficient SHBG variants bound estradiol with an affinity similar to that of wild-type SHBG [Avvakumov et al., 2001; Petra et al., 2001] led to the now-common view that the binding of estradiol to each monomer is equivalent and independent of its binding to the second monomer. Since then, the linear binding model with a Kd of ~2 nM for each monomer has remained the prevalent dogma in the literature.

Several published observations are inconsistent with the prevalent notion of linear binding of estradiol to SHBG in which both binding sites on the SHBG dimer are equivalent in their binding affinity.
First, only a narrow range of estradiol concentrations was used in the binding data, which were fit to linear Scatchard plots to derive a single Kd. [Dunn et al., 1981; Moll et al., 1981; Burke and Anderson, 1972; Sӧdergard et al., 1982]. The linear transformation of data over a limited range of hormone concentrations may have prevented a complete understanding of estradiol association dynamics. Second, widely varying binding affinities have been reported for estradiol binding, ranging from as low as picomolar [Wu et al., 1976] to as high as 25 nM [Sui et al., 1996], depending on the estradiol and SHBG concentrations. These findings suggest that the apparent Kd might be affected by the estradiol concentrations and the estradiol to SHBG ratio, which would only be possible if there were a concentration-dependent allosteric interaction between the two binding sites on the SHBG dimer. Third, even in the presence of super-saturating estradiol concentrations, the crystal structure of the second monomer within the SHBG dimer could not be resolved. One possible explanation for the failure to resolve the crystal structure of the second monomer is that the two monomers are not equivalent in their conformations and energy states even though they have the same amino acid sequence [Grishkovskaya et al., 1999].

Although the estimates of estradiol’s binding affinity to SHBG have varied among studies, it is generally believed that its affinity is slightly lower than that of testosterone [Dunn et al., 1981; Moll et al., 1981; Burke and Anderson, 1972; Sӧdergard et al., 1982; Orwoll et al., 2006].
If these estimates of the relative binding affinities of estradiol and testosterone are correct, and if both bind to the same pocket in SHBG, then, given the much higher serum concentration of testosterone than estradiol in men (5000-6000 pg·mL-1 for testosterone versus 20-50 pg·mL-1 for estradiol), substantially less estradiol should be bound to SHBG under physiological conditions than what is observed [Dunn et al., 1981; Burke and Anderson, 1972; Sӧdergard et al., 1982]. Thus, it is difficult to reconcile these data with the notion of linear binding kinetics and a single Kd of ~2 nM.

To gain a better understanding of the binding dynamics of this system, we employed multiple biophysical techniques, modern computational tools, and Markov state modeling to examine nonlinear data derived from the binding isotherms and depletion curves. Some of the original studies were limited by the varying dialysis conditions, failure to account for protium-tritium exchange when using tritium-labeled tracers, and the inclusion of a narrow range of estradiol and SHBG concentrations. As described in the methods section, we took several steps to overcome these methodological concerns and to minimize their influence. Our studies provide evidence of a nonlinear, dynamic binding process involving allosteric coupling between the SHBG monomers that changes the energy landscape of both monomers and their distribution between various energy states such that the two monomers are not equivalent, even in the fully bound state and offer functional insight into the ligand-induced, intermonomeric interactions and conformational heterogeneity in SHBG.


3.1 Estradiol binding to SHBG exhibits complex interaction dynamics.

3.2 Intrinsic tryptophan emission from SHBG provides evidence that estradiol binding is multiphasic and associated with changes in the tryptophan microenvironment.

3.3 Estradiol-induced molecular rearrangement alters the conformational states of residues in the ligand-binding pockets of SHBG monomers, suggesting intermonomeric allosteric coupling.

3.4 Time-resolved lifetime fluorescence spectroscopy using bis-ANS demonstrates that estradiol binding significantly alters the global conformational state of the SHBG: E2 complex.

3.5 Dynamic cross-correlation matrix analysis shows allosteric changes in residue correlations upon estradiol binding to either of the two monomers.

3.6 Markov state models reveal dynamic allosteric conformational coupling between the SHBG monomers.


*The ligand-induced allosteric interaction between the monomers observed during estradiol's binding to SHBG may be a more general mechanism among multimeric binding proteins. We have previously found evidence of ensemble allostery in testosterone's binding to SHBG [Zakharov et al., 2015]. Our subsequent studies of testosterone's binding to human serum albumin revealed that testosterone can bind multiple (at least 6) binding sites on HSA and that testosterone binding to one site allosterically affects residues distant from the binding site (Jayaraj et al., 2020]. Variations in the apparent Kd depending on the relative concentrations of ligand and the binding protein also has been noted in studies of vitamin D binding to vitamin D binding protein. Similar dynamics in conformational ensemble and energetic repartitioning of protein populations have been shown to be functionally important in other physiologic systems, including the tetrameric hemoglobin, which exhibits intersubunit allostery in oxygen binding [Perutz, 1970; Monod et al., 1965; Koshland et al., 1966; Hilser et al., 2012; Motlagh et al., 2012].

Why would nature create such an allosteric mechanism in binding proteins?

Our findings of nonlinear dynamics of estradiol’s binding and the allosteric coupling of monomers within SHBG have potential physiological implications.
First, the dynamic changes in Kd enabled by the dynamic conformational changes in SHBG upon ligand binding provide a versatile mechanism for extending the range of estradiol binding than would be possible if there were a single fixed Kd. The estradiol concentrations vary widely during different phases of the reproductive and nonreproductive phases of an individual’s life-extending from 1 to 6 pg/mL early in life and during menopause to ~ 30 to 500 pg/mL during different phases of the normal menstrual cycle to 30,000 to 40,000 pg/mL during pregnancy. Second, the nonlinear dynamics of estradiol’s binding and the allosteric coupling offer a potential mechanism for facile regulation of free hormone bioavailability under different physiologic and disease conditions. An example of this facile regulation is observed in men with hyperthyroidism some of whom develop gynecomastia. Hyperthyroidism is associated with increased levels of SHBG, and alterations in the relative ratio of free estradiol to free testosterone concentrations which have been implicated in the pathophysiology of breast enlargement in some hyperthyroid men [Chopra, 1974] Similar non-linear processes have been found in other biological systems; we speculate that this may be a more general mechanism in nature to regulate the bioavailability of nutrients and hormones. For instance, at a low partial pressure of oxygen, a relatively greater fraction of oxygen remains unbound to hemoglobin, while at higher partial pressures of oxygen, more oxygen becomes bound. We also have found evidence on allostery in testosterone's binding to its various binding sites on human serum albumin [Jayaraj, 2021].

In conclusion, we show that estradiol binding to dimeric SHBG is a dynamic, nonlinear process that involves allosteric interaction between the two monomers of SHBG. The binding of estradiol to SHBG induces intra-molecular rearrangements in the estradiol binding pocket of the ligand-occupied monomer as well as in the binding pocket of the second monomer and alters the energy landscape of both monomers. The inter-monomeric allosteric communication is bidirectional – the binding of the second estradiol molecule also impacts the landscape and probability of conformational transitions in the first monomer, which was already bound to estradiol. Allosteric coupling in the SHBG monomers changes the energy landscape such that the two monomers are not equivalent even in the fully bound state. The allosteric interaction in the SHBG dimer may offer a potential mechanism to extend the dynamic binding range and to regulate the bioavailability of estradiol as the estradiol concentrations change several thousand-fold during the various phases of a person's life.


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Figure 1. The equilibrium dialysis experiments demonstrate that estradiol binding to the SHBG dimer is a dynamic, nonlinear process. Panel A displays the binding isotherm, generated by the titration of increasing SHBG concentrations in the presence of a fixed estradiol concentration (either 2.6 or 13.7 nM). The data from representative experiments conducted at the respective estradiol concentrations of either 2.6 nM (blue circles) or 13.7 nM (red squares) are shown. The binding isotherm shows nonlinearity of binding as well as asymmetry around the 50% [BE2] point which is inconsistent with the prevalent notion of linear binding with a single dissociation constant, Kd. Panel B depicts the corresponding depletion curve, generated by plotting the concentration of the free estradiol that was dialyzed into the buffer side of the dialysis chamber against the SHBG concentration. Panel C displays the fraction of estradiol that was bound to SHBG ([bound E2] / [total E2]) on the sample side of the dialysis chambers at each SHBG concentration. Each data point represents the average E2 and SHBG concentration from two experiments. Panel D displays the fraction of estradiol that was free ([free E2] / [total E2]) at each SHBG concentration. Each data point represents the average of free E2 and SHBG concentration from two experiments. Panel E is a plot of the apparent Kd vs the SHBG concentration in the equilibrium dialysis experiments performed at five E2 concentrations: 2.6 nM (blue circles), 3.8 nM (green diamonds), 4.1 nM (black triangles), 7.1 nM (purple inverted triangles), and 13.7 nM (red squares). At each SHBG concentration, the apparent Kd was determined from the measured SHBG, and the measured free and bound estradiol concentrations. The apparent Kd varied non-linearly as the SHBG concentrations and SHBG: E2 ratios were varied.
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Figure 2. Estradiol binding to SHBG alters the microenvironment of tryptophan residues and quenches the fluorescence emission intensity. Panel A shows the relative distance of tryptophan residues from the estradiol ligand in the binding pocket. The residue coordinates were obtained from the crystal structure (PDB ID: 1LHU). The distances between the alpha carbons are mapped for the five tryptophan residues in SHBG to the C9 position on E2. Panel B shows the steady-state emission spectrum from tryptophan residues as the estradiol concentration was increased from subphysiologic (0.0001 nM) to the supraphysiologic (100 nM) range. The data were collected with 1 mm slit width using lex of 290 nm and emission was collected from 310 nm to 410 nm. Panel C is a plot of the changes in integrated emission from tryptophan residues in 20 nM SHBG at increasing estradiol concentration. The binding curve predicted by the extant, linear model of SHBG: E2 association assuming homogenous interaction with both monomers with a fixed Kd of 2 nM (solid red curve) does not fit the experimental binding data, shown in the solid black symbols (Panel C). Panel D shows plots of the residuals between the predicted (red curve in Figure 2C) and experimentally measured data points at graded E2 concentrations and shows that the prevailing linear binding model exhibits under and overestimation from the experimentally-derived binding curve at various E2 concentrations.
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Figure 3. Trajectories of residues within the ligand-binding pockets (LBP1 and LBP2, respectively) of the first and second monomers show conformational coupling between the two SHBG monomers. The plots depict the temporal evolution of trajectories over 5µs of the three structures: SHBG:0E2 – unliganded SHBG dimer (Panel 3A); SHBG:1E2 – a singly-bound state in which only the first monomer is bound to estradiol (Panel 3B); and SHBG:2E2 – a doubly-bound state in which the second monomer also is occupied by estradiol (Panel 3C). Blue color represents monomer 1 (LBP1); red color represents monomer 2 (LBP2). A comparison of the trajectories in panels 3A and 3B shows that the binding of estradiol to the LBP of the first monomer changes the population of conformational states not only in monomer 1 but also in monomer 2, providing evidence of the allosteric interaction between the monomers. Panel 3C: The subsequent binding of the second estradiol to the LBP of the second monomer in the doubly-bound state alters the conformational state of the LBP of the second monomer but also of the first previously occupied LBP of the first monomer, providing further evidence of the bidirectional inter-monomeric allostery.
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Figure 4. Time-resolved lifetime fluorescence spectroscopy using an extrinsic fluorescent probe, bis-ANS, demonstrates that estradiol binding significantly alters the global conformational state of the SHBG: E2 complex. Panel A shows the raw data and fits the phase delay and modulation ratio obtained at increasing estradiol concentrations titrated into a solution of 40 nM SHBG and 500 nM bis-ANS. The modulation frequencies were altered from 10 to 160 MHz to determine τphase and τmod at each SHBG: E2 ratio. The excited-state lifetime data were satisfactorily fit to the most parsimonious model of 2 emitting species where the chi-square values ranged from 0.8 to 2.1. Panels B and C show the short and long lifetime components, respectively, as a function of estradiol concentrations. Panels D and E show the change in fractional (f1 and f2) and fluorescence contribution from the bis-ANS populations exhibiting short and long singlet excited state lifetime components. Collectively, the data indicate that estradiol binding to SHBG induces a global conformational change in the protein as evidenced by the significant change in relative populations of bis-ANS species exhibiting the long and short singlet excited state lifetimes.
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Figure 5. Dynamic cross-correlation matrices for SHBG dimer illustrate that distant residues in the two monomers are conformationally coupled and respond to the binding of estradiol to either of the two monomers. Inter-monomeric residue motion correlations were examined for the three states: unliganded (5A; SHBG:0E2), Singly bound (5B; SHBG:1E2) and doubly bound (5C; SHBG:2E2). The quadrants depicting the inter-monomer correlation show changes in coordinated movement of the residues in the two monomers. Red color intensity stands for strength of residue correlation. The correlated motions whose absolute values were smaller than 0.3 were not included. The right panels show the location of distant residues at the intermonomeric interface and ligand binding pockets in the two monomers which are conformationally coupled in the respective liganded states. Only the residues, which show correlated movement, are colored in monomer 1 (red) and monomer 2 (blue). Estradiol molecule is represented in purple color. Collectively, these data show that allosteric coupling in binding estradiol is manifested through coordinate, dynamic rearrangement of residues in each of the two SHBG monomers.
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Figure 6. The two monomers within the SHBG dimer populate distinct conformational clusters, which change dynamically upon ligand binding. Relative frequency distribution of SHBG conformational states occupied by each of the monomers (6A, Monomer 1; 6B monomer 2) in response to the binding of the first and the second estradiol molecule to SHBG dimer. The most parsimonious Markov State modeling analysis shows that six conformational states are involved in this dynamics as depicted in this histogram of the distribution of the two monomers in various conformational clusters in the unliganded, singly-bound, and doubly-bound SHBG. Inset displays the color corresponding to the conformational clusters that each SHBG monomer occupies in the unbound and bound states. As shown in the panels 6A, 6B and 6C, the monomers dynamically repartition predominantly in clusters 1-5 as the SHBG dimer transitions between unliganded, singly-bound, and doubly bound states. We posit that these multi-state conformational equilibria manifest as apparent Kd being sensitive to the SHBG/E2 ratio. For this to be true, one would expect that the conformational arrangement of residues in the ligand-binding pockets in these conformational clusters would be distinct. There we generated pairwise overlays for the clusters occupied in the monomers in unbound, singly- and doubly-bound SHBG dimer. Panels 6C, 6D, and 6E show the spatial distinction in the orientation of ligand binding pocket residues in the various clusters. Figure 6C shows the overlay of LBP residues in clusters 1 (blue) and 2 (green). Figure 6D and 6E illustrate the changes in LBP residues in clusters 3 (orange), 4 (cyan), and 5 (grey), which are predominantly occupied by monomers 1 and 2 in the singly-bound states of SHBG dimer. The color-coding of the residues in panels 6D,6E, and 6F corresponds to the cluster population colors in histograms in figures 6A, 6B, and 6C respectively.
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Figure 7. Estradiol binding to either of the two monomers alters the conformational energy landscape of the other monomer. The three panels collectively show the ensemble allosteric modulation of relative probabilities of a population of clusters and respective transition rates between the conformational substates in response to estradiol binding to monomers. Panel A: The two unliganded SHBG monomers populate distinct conformational states. Panel B: Upon estradiol binding to monomer 1, not only are the conformational states of monomer 1 impacted but monomer 2 also is allosterically affected. Panel C illustrates that estradiol binding to monomer 2 alters the conformational states of the already bound monomer 1 such that even in the fully bound state, the monomers within the SHBG dimer are not equivalent and exhibit conformational heterogeneity.
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• SHBG monomers exhibit conformational heterogeneity in free as well as bound states and are conformationally coupled.

• Estradiol’s binding to SHBG is nonlinear and the "apparent" Kd changes with varying estradiol and SHBG concentrations.

• Estradiol’s binding to each SHBG monomer differentially alters the conformational and energy landscapes of both monomers.

• Inter-monomeric allostery offers a versatile mechanism to extend the binding range of SHBG and regulate hormone bioavailability.

Allosterically coupled multi-site binding of testosterone to human serum albumin (2020)

Abhilash Jayaraj, Heidi A. Schwanz, Daniel J. Spencer, Shalender Bhasin, James A. Hamilton, B. Jayaram, Anna L. Goldman, Meenakshi Krishna, Maya Krishnan, Aashay Shah, Zhendong Jin, Eileen Krenzel, Sashi N. Nair, Sid Ramesh, Wen Guo, Gerhard Wagner, Haribabu Arthanari, Liming Peng, Brian Lawney, Ravi Jasuja
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