I am pasting the below from from 3 days ago verbatim as posted on T Nation by another user:
For December - April this year, I was using 2 “nearly” expired (May 2020) T cyp bottles from Empower. I could not for the life of me get my TT over 700 even on 200mg/week. My libido was suffering, and my doctors kept saying “wow 700 is really good!”
I finally used up the nearly expired vials, and switched to a newer one. The results have been shocking to say the least. My fuse has been a little shorter, and libido is sort of back (but better when I take a few Cialis).
Got labwork done the other day:
TT: >1500
FT: >50
E2: 61.4 (7.6 - 42.6 pg/mL)
Without even posting the T ranges, I think it’s easy to see these are literally off the chart!
I’ve seen no real benefit from going this high, but damn, the variance between bottles is so frustrating.
This is disturbing to say the least.
@madman any idea whats going on?