New Member
I am in my mid sixties and have been severely compromised by low back pain and osteoarthritis. Seven physicians, spine surgeons, rehab, accupuncture, two spinal ablations this summer, blocks, PRP, weight loss, have all led to one thing, nothing. I have also had both hips replaced and the onset of OA in lower back started 25 years ago and ended in surgery to help 'clean' it up. I was also very involved in athletics since I could walk and it paid my way through college. I'm certain this all contributed along with some bad genetics. I also helped developed long acting opioids with deterrents for abuse so I'm familiar with how they work, dangers etc.. In the end, it was the same, wake up exhausted and wake up at 2 or 3 EVERY NIGHT, TAKE A PAIN PILL and wait for it to work and then return to try and sleep. I'm also an a fib patient so NSAIDS ARE OUT OF THE QUESTION DUE TO RISK OF BLEEDING given I'm on blood thinners. My blood tests always resulted in same thing. First reading (8AM fasting) always low, 125 or so. The second, seemed to go up but only to 300 or so and my endocrinologist was reluctant to prescribe. Finally, after noticing I was having issue with my short term memory about 6 months ago, I needed to revisit TRT. Forget no energy, no libido. Now I was very concerned. I approached my physicians, cardiologists and endocrinoligists with yet another request. This time the results were very low the first time 120 and borderline the second time 260 but also complimented with low LH, FSH and estradiol and free testosterone.
I have only been on TRT for 3 weeks (200mg every 2 weeks) and have seen fleeting signs of encouragement. Energy seems to be improving but it's hard to quantify. Not much improvement if at all in libido and hence sexual dysfunction and hard to say about short term memory. But, here is why I am posting. After 2-3 years of waking every night, I have now had 6 days of uninterrupted sleep for 6-7 hours a night which has not happened in years and I know the only change in my routine has been TRT. Not only am I encouraged, but elated. I believe other benefits will follow shortly. But for someone like me, who has not had a sound night's sleep consistenly for more than a day over the last +2-3 years, you can imagine how I feel. I haven't been able to determine if the anti-inflammatory properties are reducing the back pain because it remains but primarily when on my feet a few hours or even sitting legs not up.
Sleep is often not talked about with TRT or at least in most of my research. I hope this helps anyone who may be encountering similar issues that I have.
I have only been on TRT for 3 weeks (200mg every 2 weeks) and have seen fleeting signs of encouragement. Energy seems to be improving but it's hard to quantify. Not much improvement if at all in libido and hence sexual dysfunction and hard to say about short term memory. But, here is why I am posting. After 2-3 years of waking every night, I have now had 6 days of uninterrupted sleep for 6-7 hours a night which has not happened in years and I know the only change in my routine has been TRT. Not only am I encouraged, but elated. I believe other benefits will follow shortly. But for someone like me, who has not had a sound night's sleep consistenly for more than a day over the last +2-3 years, you can imagine how I feel. I haven't been able to determine if the anti-inflammatory properties are reducing the back pain because it remains but primarily when on my feet a few hours or even sitting legs not up.
Sleep is often not talked about with TRT or at least in most of my research. I hope this helps anyone who may be encountering similar issues that I have.