Switched from M/Th split dose (shallow IM) to ED (subQ). Feeling WAY off.... Recommendations? Thoughts?

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Thought I'd try the micro daily dose of TestCyp (~30mg) and HCG (100IU) instead of my usual 200mg split dose and 250IU EOD. Only a few days in, but I feel so off mentally and emotionally (like NOTHING I've ever felt). Trying to decide if my body just doesn't like ED/Subq for some reason and likes split or EOD shallow IM or do I just need to give it more time...but TBH don't know much longer I can ride it b/c it's affecting job performance and parenting.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Thought I'd try the micro daily dose of TestCyp (~30mg) and HCG (100IU) instead of my usual 200mg split dose and 250IU EOD. Only a few days in, but I feel so off mentally and emotionally (like NOTHING I've ever felt). Trying to decide if my body just doesn't like ED/Subq for some reason and likes split or EOD shallow IM or do I just need to give it more time...but TBH don't know much longer I can ride it b/c it's affecting job performance and parenting.

Would not even consider ~30 mg TC injected daily a micro-dose!

200 mg/week of T let alone split is overkill for most.

Most men can easily achieve a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mgT especially when split into more frequent injections.

Yes there are some outliers who may need the high-end dose but it is far from common as in RARE!

Throwing in the hCG to boot would drive up FT further.

What trough FT level were you hitting on such?

Even then 2 days means jack shit as it will take 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize on your new protocol.

Hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) and it is common for one to experience ups/downs along the way as the body is trying to adjust.

This is expected whether one is first starting testosterone therapy or tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

More importantly once blood levels have stabilized it will still take time (a few more months) for the body to adapt to it's new set-point and this is the critical time period when one needs to gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-T symptoms and overall well-being.

The first 6 weeks means nothing when looking at the bigger picture here.

Every protocol needs to be given a fighting chance (12 weeks) before claiming whether it was truly a success or failure!

You need to bite the bullet and put in the time if you want to see where this truly ends up otherwise you are better off bailing out now or if anything if you have doubts about injecting subcutaneously vs IM then go back to IM although for some it may get stale quick poking yourself daily but this can be easily remedied for most by using an LDS insulin syringe 27-29G 1/2" needle length and injecting shallow IM!
Thought I'd try the micro daily dose of TestCyp (~30mg) and HCG (100IU) instead of my usual 200mg split dose and 250IU EOD. Only a few days in, but I feel so off mentally and emotionally (like NOTHING I've ever felt). Trying to decide if my body just doesn't like ED/Subq for some reason and likes split or EOD shallow IM or do I just need to give it more time...but TBH don't know much longer I can ride it b/c it's affecting job performance and parenting.
You changed two things at the same time, which you never want to do. In some men, subq injections produce lower testosterone levels and higher E2 than the same dose IM. And then besides the numbers, some men just don't feel as well with them.

If I were you, I would immediately reverse at least one of the two changes (either return to your original frequency or return to IM injection). Test one variable at a time.
Would not even consider ~30 mg TC injected daily a micro-dose!

200 mg/week of T let alone split is overkill for most.

Most men can easily achieve a healthy let alone high trough FT injecting 100-150 mgT especially when split into more frequent injections.

Yes there are some outliers who may need the high-end dose but it is far from common as in RARE!

Throwing in the hCG to boot would drive up FT further.

What trough FT level were you hitting on such?

Even then 2 days means jack shit as it will take 4-6 weeks for blood levels to stabilize on your new protocol.

Hormones will be in flux during the weeks leading up until blood levels have stabilized (4-6 weeks TC/TE) and it is common for one to experience ups/downs along the way as the body is trying to adjust.

This is expected whether one is first starting testosterone therapy or tweaking a protocol (dose T/injection frequency).

More importantly once blood levels have stabilized it will still take time (a few more months) for the body to adapt to it's new set-point and this is the critical time period when one needs to gauge how they truly feel overall regarding relief/improvement of low-T symptoms and overall well-being.

The first 6 weeks means nothing when looking at the bigger picture here.

Every protocol needs to be given a fighting chance (12 weeks) before claiming whether it was truly a success or failure!

You need to bite the bullet and put in the time if you want to see where this truly ends up otherwise you are better off bailing out now or if anything if you have doubts about injecting subcutaneously vs IM then go back to IM although for some it may get stale quick poking yourself daily but this can be easily remedied for most by using an LDS insulin syringe 27-29G 1/2" needle length and injecting shallow IM!
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go back to shallow IM, 180mg split M/W/F along with 250IU HCG on those days as well. 180mg typically keeps me between 30 - 40 FT. What are your thoughts on DHEA and Pregnenolone? I have such a love/hate relationship with them...I'm deficient according to my blood work, and always feel better initially, but then inevitably pass the sweet spot and start to feel off mentally/emotionally and lose my libido. Thinking of trying EOD as well? Maybe 25mg DHEA and 30mg Pregnenolone on my injection days so those hormones don't build up?
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go back to shallow IM, 180mg split M/W/F along with 250IU HCG on those days as well. 180mg typically keeps me between 30 - 40 FT. What are your thoughts on DHEA and Pregnenolone? I have such a love/hate relationship with them...I'm deficient according to my blood work, and always feel better initially, but then inevitably pass the sweet spot and start to feel off mentally/emotionally and lose my libido. Thinking of trying EOD as well? Maybe 25mg DHEA and 30mg Pregnenolone on my injection days so those hormones don't build up?

Yeah, I think I'm gonna go back to shallow IM, 180mg split M/W/F along with 250IU HCG on those days as well. 180mg typically keeps me between 30 - 40 FT. What are your thoughts on DHEA and Pregnenolone

Chances are that the whopping 200 mg T/week + hCG protocol would have had your hematocrit high as it is a given this will be driven up when injecting exogenous T especially if you push your trough/steady-state FT too high which you clearly would have if you had stuck with the 200 mg/week protocol as you stated that you were hitting an absurdly high trough FT 30-40 ng/dL on the 180 mg T/week protocol so 200 mg T/week would have had your trough FT ridiculously high!

Regardless if you truly felt great overall 180 mg T/week + hCG, minus any sides and blood markers were healthy than I see no issue.

Just understand that a trough FT 30-40 ng/dL is absurdly high.

Do what you feel is best for you!

Was never big on supplementing with DHEA/preg.

Many do especially if they are lacking but not everyone is going to feel a big difference and some may even feel worse off.

Trial and error.
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Drop the dose and go IM into shoulders - so daily injections switching off between left shoulder and right shoulder . I’d drop down to something like 12-14mg per day and give yourself a few weeks to adjust - you can always go up but I’d try this first!

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