Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

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Tim L

To all members:

Below is an overview of my history, and TRT cream protocol that I found most effective for myself and others

I am a 55-year-old business owner who has always exercised, eat healthy foods, and tried to stay on the path of wellness. For the last ten years or so, I've noticed a decline in the positive results I'd been getting due to walking this path: loss of energy, loss of focus, belly fat. Like most people, I attributed this to getting older. As a teenager, I was a skinny kid who wanted to gain muscle, so I started eating more and working out. I would read muscle magazines and research what supplements to take. Back then, I saw consistent positive results and was inspired to continue the path. The problem for me as I aged was that these results were fewer and farther apart. Some thirty years later I found myself swimming around trying to find the magic supplement, and becoming more and more discouraged. As a result, approximately ten years ago, I started looking for a "wellness" doctor.


In addition to the above-mentioned issues, I have for my entire life suffered from migraine headaches. I'd tried all sorts of fixes and various prescriptions with minimal results. The problem with most mainstream doctors is that they have to follow a certain protocol. They are ignorant of the fact that drugs and/or surgery are not the only fix.

Five years ago, the stars aligned and I landed on a nutritionist and also a holistic MD. I started with the nutritionist first, and within three weeks, I noticed a difference. I had been a "meat and potatoes" guy all of my life. I discovered that the carbohydrates in addition to the lack of enzymes in my system were fueling my headaches. So I went on a modified Adkins diet. To date, my headaches are 95% cured.

The next step was to see the holistic MD. She tested my testosterone levels and they were at the time at 470. While this number was on the low side of normal on the conventional scale (400-600), I was blessed with a doctor who was not just looking at the numbers but at my symptoms. I started a TRT regiment approximately fifteen months ago. The combination of diet change, supplements, and TRT transformed me into what she, my doctor, calls me: Ironman. My numbers increased to 717 total/25.8 free testosterone.

Most people want a quick fix. They must understand that there are NO quick fixes in this world. If they find one, it is short-lived or many sometimes very bad side effects to go along with it.

The main question I ask many people is-- why can't health be the number one priority? I see new faces in the gym all the time. They are out of shape and trying hard to make a change. Most of them are there on doctor's orders. Don't wait for a health catastrophe to hit before you make a change. The secret to good health is a complete lifestyle commitment. No TRT program by itself is a magic bullet.

My TRT cream protocol

I have been on TRT for approximately five years. For the first 18 months, I had a very difficult time. Initially, it was a slow start mainly because of low dosage and poor-quality product.

I started with an alcohol-based bioidentical pharmaceutical packaged product. This product was worthless. I moved on to a local compound pharmacy, my current doctor uses this pharmacy for years. As I moved up from 50 to 200 milligrams per milliliter per day. I felt good for a while. But then I found myself applying more, but still not feeling the best. I switched compound labs using a cream based product. This process went on for over a year. I was carefully monitoring all my blood results along with how I felt on a daily basis. My best testosterone totals were approximately 750 range with Free being around 18.

The more I took the worse I felt. At one point I was taking 600 mg per day. My blood tests came back lower than before. I noticed from the second compound lab that the product was not consistent, it had hot spots. The pharmacy acknowledged it made me a new batched and then still charge me for it.

At this point, I was questioning the whole cream process versus injecting. I even tried suppositories. Me being a needle Phobia I was determined to make the cream work.
I started working with Nelson Vergel on the problem. I contacted Empower pharmacy and decided to give the cream one last try. To my amazement, I had fantastic results.
For the past few years, I've been on a steady protocol of approximately 250 mg/per milliliters Daily. My total testosterone averages 1100 with the free testosterone averaging 32

I thank Nelson Vergel and Dr. Ariane Cometa for my success to date.

I continue the wellness Road daily. I feel blessed and I mentor others that need help and struggle with similar issues. I believe a lot of men start a program and are doomed to fail at the start because of misinformation and/or poor monitoring by the physicians. Nelson should really be honored because he has paved the road for many and continue to do so. He is very inspirational and is a remarkable health coach, not to mention scientist. I am very grateful to work with him on this process and did not quit early on. Most people believe we are in a race/Sprint, this is not true we are running a marathon.

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
What an amazing story and I'm glad to hear you solved your life long headache debacle. TRT gave me motivation I never had before and my family is stunned at my progress and willingness to learn new things. I've always wondered if I've been eating the wrong type of foods that work against me rather than for me. How did your nutritionist determine you we eating the wrong types of foods?

Thank you for sharing your story!
Tim, I also use the compounded cream from Empower and I am in complete agreement with your evaluation on the quality of the product. I also use the 200% cream but I only use a 1/2 mil (100mg/day). Last labs at trough were Free + Total=778(254-916) and Free=10.2(6.6-18.1).
Tim: Thanks for your kind words. I am very proud of you and how analytical you have been during your path. You did not give up on the cream and actually showed extreme success with it after a few tries. I am glad you are debunking the myth that testosterone creams are not worth it. This myth is very common in
This is an inspiring story. This is a great plug for the quality products that Empower makes as well as the potential that cream has if you find the right source and strength. I would be interested to hear the application sites Tim L uses for his therapy.
Excellent story Tim thank you for sharing it.
If its not a secret I'd love to hear more about your protocol and if you worked on diet and exersize?

I am struggling with getting compounded creams to reach a therapeutic level.
I had no issues with Brand named Gels except the $300/30 tubes price tag.
Thank you for your reply
My nutritionist is actually a natural path which is a step above. They have different methods, sort of non-conventional . When I was in my teens I started eating correctly at least I thought and dealt with lots of vitamin supplements etc. I made some gains headaches were still involved but I just excepted it over the past few decades I would refine my diet I try to minimize my stress best I could. My major breakthrough was about five years ago when my stress was through the roof,daughter living here with us with a newborn. Had headaches at least twice a week very debilitating.
Long story short I found the right team went in a different direction and discovered that the protein/carbohydrates together is not a good thing for me. I eat plenty of protein but with vegetables and vegetables /carbohydrates in between so that way they do not conflict with the digestive process and I maximize absorption of vital nutrients that I require. For example if my headaches were caused by lack of magnesium or potassium you could add a supplement but your absorption in your Gut is not efficient. Therefore anything you do would just blow through you. This combination with some basic digestive enzymes to help break down the food properly was the secret.
My question is what is your goal what is you end game? And I can give you my opinion
That's fantastic , my situation was horrible for 18 months because of the product . Even my Doctor Who I love didn't totally believe me but she was a believer after I showed her all the blood results over that period of time.
My numbers have been very solid for the last few years . Not to sound like a commercial or someone who's working for the pharmacy but I have to give credit where it is due.My doctor now buys all of her product from Empower for all of her patients
Nelson I I thank you for all of your support without you I would not be at the level I am today I am grateful

As you know I am not a doctor just the average Joe who was determined to feel better. There are a lot of guys out there that Need help and do not want to inject.
I would say the creams work and I have scientific proof, you won't be sorry
I call everything a wellness lifestyle
The TRT is just one component of Many. It is 80/20
80% wellness ; diet supplement sleep water intake etc.
20% exercise
I have been lifting weights for 40 years just a skinny kid who wanted to get bigger
Most people think it's the other way around
Tim L, if you don’t mind me asking, can you give some details as to how you apply the cream? What sites on your body do you use to apply the cream? How do you do it? Are there any specific methods as to how you apply the cream that have lead to your success? Thanks so much for the info!
All of this is common sense if you put cream on your skin you
have to make sure it's not rubbed off by your clothing
Your scrotum area is the most absorbed area of the body
I apply mainly there and alternate on my underarms
Also the area must be shaven clean and only apply after you take a shower for maximum absorption
In addition to applying at night only not in the am
This stuff needs a few hours to be absorbed otherwise you're wasting your time
Also your prescription needs to be the maximum which is 200 mg/mL . That way you get a high concentration of product with The least amount of cream
More bang for your buck
Also the cream keeps your numbers very steady because you're applying on a daily basis versus injecting once or twice a week
What is your current protocol and what issues are you having?
I’m currently injecting daily with HCG every other day. I’ve been following your story, and it’s peaked my interest in cream. So, I think I understand that you are shaving your underarms and your scrotum. You are applying mainly to the scrotum, but alternating some to your underarms. Did you say you are applying 2 times per day both during the morning and evening? I couldn’t understand from your previous post if you are applying just in the morning after your shower, or if you were applying both in the morning and evening. Also, how many clicks are you using per application? Thanks again.
Apply only at night
4 clicks to scrotum area
One click to under arm
Alternate left and right
250 mg total
Go to sleep with legs together and arm , no bedsheets in between

If you're just starting this you need to start with much less
Everyone's different
Watch DHT levels Estrogen conversion
Watch All the normal protocols
For side effects
It’s interesting that you put the cream on before bed at night. Most guys I’ve seen apply in the morning after showering. Thanks for your input.
It's interesting that you put the cream on before bed at night. Most guys I've seen apply in the morning after showering. Thanks for your input.

I have tried all different combinations a.m. and p.m.
Different body parts, splitting dosages, etc. your numbers are the highest naturally in the a.m. and reduce towards the night. It is like recharging a battery when it is low. Also when you apply in the morning you're going to work the clothing is rubbing against therefore reducing the effectiveness of the cream. For these reasons alone that's why this works for me and others .
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
To all members:

Below is an overview of my history, and TRT cream protocol that I found most effective for myself and others

I am a 55-year-old business owner who has always exercised, eat healthy foods, and tried to stay on the path of wellness. For the last ten years or so, I've noticed a decline in the positive results I'd been getting due to walking this path: loss of energy, loss of focus, belly fat. Like most people, I attributed this to getting older. As a teenager, I was a skinny kid who wanted to gain muscle, so I started eating more and working out. I would read muscle magazines and research what supplements to take. Back then, I saw consistent positive results and was inspired to continue the path. The problem for me as I aged was that these results were fewer and farther apart. Some thirty years later I found myself swimming around trying to find the magic supplement, and becoming more and more discouraged. As a result, approximately ten years ago, I started looking for a "wellness" doctor.

In addition to the above-mentioned issues, I have for my entire life suffered from migraine headaches. I'd tried all sorts of fixes and various prescriptions with minimal results. The problem with most mainstream doctors is that they have to follow a certain protocol. They are ignorant of the fact that drugs and/or surgery are not the only fix.

Five years ago, the stars aligned and I landed on a nutritionist and also a holistic MD. I started with the nutritionist first, and within three weeks, I noticed a difference. I had been a "meat and potatoes" guy all of my life. I discovered that the carbohydrates in addition to the lack of enzymes in my system were fueling my headaches. So I went on a modified Adkins diet. To date, my headaches are 95% cured.

The next step was to see the holistic MD. She tested my testosterone levels and they were at the time at 470. While this number was on the low side of normal on the conventional scale (400-600), I was blessed with a doctor who was not just looking at the numbers but at my symptoms. I started a TRT regiment approximately fifteen months ago. The combination of diet change, supplements, and TRT transformed me into what she, my doctor, calls me: Ironman. My numbers increased to 717 total/25.8 free testosterone.

Most people want a quick fix. They must understand that there are NO quick fixes in this world. If they find one, it is short-lived or many sometimes very bad side effects to go along with it.

The main question I ask many people is-- why can't health be the number one priority? I see new faces in the gym all the time. They are out of shape and trying hard to make a change. Most of them are there on doctor's orders. Don't wait for a health catastrophe to hit before you make a change. The secret to good health is a complete lifestyle commitment. No TRT program by itself is a magic bullet.

My TRT cream protocol

I have been on TRT for approximately five years. For the first 18 months, I had a very difficult time. Initially, it was a slow start mainly because of low dosage and poor-quality product.

I started with an alcohol-based bioidentical pharmaceutical packaged product. This product was worthless. I moved on to a local compound pharmacy, my current doctor uses this pharmacy for years. As I moved up from 50 to 200 milligrams per milliliter per day. I felt good for a while. But then I found myself applying more, but still not feeling the best. I switched compound labs using a cream based product. This process went on for over a year. I was carefully monitoring all my blood results along with how I felt on a daily basis. My best testosterone totals were approximately 750 range with Free being around 18.

The more I took the worse I felt. At one point I was taking 600 mg per day. My blood tests came back lower than before. I noticed from the second compound lab that the product was not consistent, it had hot spots. The pharmacy acknowledged it made me a new batched and then still charge me for it.

At this point, I was questioning the whole cream process versus injecting. I even tried suppositories. Me being a needle Phobia I was determined to make the cream work.
I started working with Nelson Vergel on the problem. I contacted Empower pharmacy and decided to give the cream one last try. To my amazement, I had fantastic results.
For the past few years, I’ve been on a steady protocol of approximately 250 mg/per milliliters Daily. My total testosterone averages 1100 with the free testosterone averaging 32

I thank Nelson Vergel and Dr. Ariane Cometa for my success to date.

I continue the wellness Road daily. I feel blessed and I mentor others that need help and struggle with similar issues. I believe a lot of men start a program and are doomed to fail at the start because of misinformation and/or poor monitoring by the physicians. Nelson should really be honored because he has paved the road for many and continue to do so. He is very inspirational and is a remarkable health coach, not to mention scientist. I am very grateful to work with him on this process and did not quit early on. Most people believe we are in a race/Sprint, this is not true we are running a marathon.
Congrats, great story!
For me I apply it in the morning after I shower except on the weekends I apply it and then shower later in the day. Why would showering first help absorb better?
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