Stopped TRT: Three Week Labs

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It’s been 3 weeks sence I have been off trt was on trt for 3 year age 32 . I taper down from 150mg down to 50mg for a few weeks then came off . Endo didn’t know that much about pct . I just did my labs and need help my LH is 3.8 now range 1.7-8.7 my FSH is 2.0 1.5 -12.4 my total testosterone is 223 free is 5.5 range 8.7- 25.1 Would this be good number for just coming off and only been 3 weeks ?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I would try a restart protocol. But in my opinion your numbers dont look bad for only being off TRT for 3 weeks and not being on a restart protocol. Which testosterone ester you were using? Cypionate?
Yes was cypionate when I dropped my dose I was on 50mg for 3 weeks before I came off I got missed diagnosed 3 years ago . My new endo saw I had high prolactin I fixed that and I am on a low dose of caber now and my prolactin is in range now . I would rather not take clomid due to some of the side effects but I want the best outcome
At age 32 you do have a good chance that your body may restart on its own. It may take up to a year but I do know young men who have done it.
From the info on the net. Would a low dose of clomid speed up the recovery with my labs results . Dr wanted me to try 12.5mg clomid I was worried about the side effects or most of the side effects from clomid are at a lot higher dose ?
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This process takes time and the low dose Clomid should help. Those numbers are fine but at this point it's really too soon to tell much.
From the info on the net. Would a low dose of clomid speed up the recovery with my labs results . Dr wanted me to try 12.5mg clomid I was worried about the side effects or most of the side effects from clomid are at a lot higher dose ?
Clomid would definitely help. If you are worried about clomid side effects you can consider tamoxifen as well
Ok thanks for the info I am just trying for the best out come I can .My endo isent up to date on the pct part I had to talk her into giving me clomid
Just wanted to give a update . I have been on clomid taking 12.5 three times a week . It’s been about two months first labs in free t came in at 97.5 range 55-155. And totall test came back as 631 range 250-1000 .
Just wanted to give a update . I have been on clomid taking 12.5 three times a week . It’s been about two months first labs in free t came in at 97.5 range 55-155. And totall test came back as 631 range 250-1000 .

Good numbers! How are you feeling?
Hopefully your body keeps it going once you stop clomid
Wait until your levels maximum out and then wean the Clomid. I would say another couple months at least. And at that conservative dosage you could stay on it indefinitely. But I would first experiment with coming off of it to see how you do.
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Just wanted to up date just about 4 months on clomid dropped down to 12.5mg two times a week free test keeps going up I am at 122 scale 35-155ml and my total test is 591 scal 250-1100 . My prolactin is still down at 8 in range taking .25 of camber a week . I feel pretty good for the most part anxiety has gotten a lot better every once in awhile it will come back . In two weeks the dr wants to stop the clomid and see what happens anyone have any advice
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