Hey everyone! I've been lurking for a year or so now, ever since I first found out My testosterone was low. I went to my PCP and she tested several things based on my symptoms and the only abnormal lab was my total testosterone. It has ranged from 190-357 over about 6 tests in the past year. I ended up getting treated for sleep apnea in January of 2018 and have managed it well since then. I have seen two urologists and an endocrinologist in the past year. One urologist started me on Clomid for about three months. Halfway through my estradiol was around 53. HE startd me on Arimidex and it brought my estradiol back down. However, I started feeling terrible on the Clomid (even after controling E2). Even worse than before I started...in all aspects. energy, fatigue, libido, joint pain, memory. He told me to stop and we would retest in a month, well my testosterone crashed back down from 700 to around 250. He said the next step would be to start injections, but would not entertain the idea of HCG. Considering I am soon to be 25, I did not like this idea. I saw another urologist and endocrinologist who basically said Good Luck. They woudnt do anything because of my age and insurance would not cover treatment. The second urologist actually said, "I don't know what to tell you besides, Good Luck." So I had labs drawn from Lab Corp for my consultation with Defy.This is the first time I have had DHT and prolactin tested as well. I am scheduled to meet with Dr. Saya on thursday, but have been quite anxious. I am not quite sure what to expect. Can anyone maybe give me a rough idea of what I can expect with Defy with the labs I've attached? What are some questions to keep in mind during my consultation? What is your overall interpretation of these labs for someone my age?
Also, if this is not the correct place for this post, I do apologize and will move it accordingly!
Thanks ahead of time everyone!
Also, if this is not the correct place for this post, I do apologize and will move it accordingly!
Thanks ahead of time everyone!