Recent blood work and Red blood count concerns

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Okay, I got my first blood work back since going to the new doctor, he is concerned about the red blood cells and has me going to get another blood test.
I am CLUELESS as to what most of the test results are talking about and it appears he did not test for estrogen as I requested.

And yes, I am well over weight and a smoker

New blood work results

Testosterone serum 673
% Free Testosterone “Will follow”
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin 18.9 (LOW)

Wbc 9.4
Rbc 5.67
Hgb 19.1 (HIGH)
Hct 58.7 (HIGH)
Mcv 102.6
Mch 33.7
Mchc 32.8
Rdw 12.00
Mpv 9.6
Platelets 223
Granulocytes% 69.8
Granilocytes # 6.6
Lymph % 23.1
Lymphocytes 2.2
*Mid% 7.1
*Mid # .07

Sodium 141
Potassium 3.8
Chloride 99
Co2 26.0
Dun 14
Creatine .08
Glucose 121 (high)
Calcium 9.3
Ast (Sgot) 45 (High) is an issue
Alk Phosphatase 47
Alt / Sgot 81 (high)
Total Bilrubin 1.6 (High)
Total Protein 7.0
Albumin 4.4
Bun Crea Ratio 17.5

Cholesterol 133
Hdl Cholesterol 43 Low
Ldl Calc 50
Non-Hdl Calc 90
Vldl Calc 40
Ldl/Hdl Ratio 1.15
Trugktcerudes 202 High

Tsh 1.68

T4 Free .75

Seg Neutrophil 72 High
Bands 0
Lymph 14
Monocytes 10
Eisunophils 3
Basophils 0
Other 0
Plt Estimate Appear Adequate
Rbc Morphology Normal
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Your hematocrit is extremely high. Go donate some blood. Smokers tend to have high hematocrit.

Your lipids are not bad for being overweight, but cut your carbs since your triglycerides are high. Your kidneys also seem OK.

Your testosterone is not bad.

Do you take any medications?
I am only taking Lipitor 10mg each morning, because I am a *** male, donating blood is not an easy task, as many places will not allow me to donate.
if donating isn't an easy option you can have your dr write a script for a therapeutic phlebotomy.. i think the blood bank will charge you to toss the blood..they used to charge $85 in Sfca that was a few years ago. probably the quickest way to go if you need to do it fast.dr may be able to fax an rx for that not sure...or try to get your dr to have a draw in a hospital or "clinic" and bill the insurance. my endo sent me to a hematologist, makes alot of drs but insurace covers it..
maybe someone knows a more direct route?
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One thing I missed is your glucose of 120. I hope this sample was taken after a meal and not while you were fasting. That is a high number
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