Purchased PT-141 and got this concerning disclaimer.....
he products we offer are NOT intended for human use. They are intended for in-vitro and pre-clinical research purposes only. The customer acknowledges that there are risks in the handling, use, and distribution of these products, and certifies that it has the proper equipment, facilities, and personnel for managing those risks; and the customer knowingly accepts these risks. These chemicals are not intended to be used and should not be used in inappropriate applications, such as, without limitation, food additives, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals, or other applications outside of in-vitro laboratory research, pre-clinical research, or in laboratory chemical synthesis or testing of different materials. Seller is aware that in purchasing these products, Customer is agreeing to the above. However, in the event that Customer utilizes or causes others to use these products outside of the above restrictions, Customer is accepting such risks of doing so on itself, absolving Seller of any responsibility for such Customer actions, and specifically agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless for any claims made by any third party because of such Customer action.
he products we offer are NOT intended for human use. They are intended for in-vitro and pre-clinical research purposes only. The customer acknowledges that there are risks in the handling, use, and distribution of these products, and certifies that it has the proper equipment, facilities, and personnel for managing those risks; and the customer knowingly accepts these risks. These chemicals are not intended to be used and should not be used in inappropriate applications, such as, without limitation, food additives, drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals, or other applications outside of in-vitro laboratory research, pre-clinical research, or in laboratory chemical synthesis or testing of different materials. Seller is aware that in purchasing these products, Customer is agreeing to the above. However, in the event that Customer utilizes or causes others to use these products outside of the above restrictions, Customer is accepting such risks of doing so on itself, absolving Seller of any responsibility for such Customer actions, and specifically agrees to indemnify and hold Seller harmless for any claims made by any third party because of such Customer action.